Extra Credits

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jerk123123, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. I've gotten 6 dn from jobs and only 1 ec ?
  2. Was that from jobs you hadnt completed yet? Because if so, it was probably a reward for finishing a jobgratz on the dn eitherway
  3. :( i dint earn ec at all lol :p i guess unlucky :D
  4. Just keep trying 0.0
  5. earned 21ec and 10dn from jobs :) i changed my name using them :D
  6. I have noticed that, when using wifi, connection speed can alter the drop rate of ec on completed jobs. I spent a week straight unloading on jobs at a place with an extremely slow internet connection. Not a single ec dropped. Whereas, at home i would average 1-2 ec (at the very least) within a day. Idk if anyone else has noticed this inconsistency as well, but it might be worth looking into if you are unble to get a single ec after a couple days of unloading on the "New Party" job.
  7. Thanks! I'm gonna start working more so I can earn ec to start a club!
  8. ?thats an interesting observation
  9. why cant you get ec's anymore once you
    completed all jobs
  10. You can, just redo the completed ones
  12. Op, can you bump the Ava thread?
  13. ? I hate when this lags
  14. This Thread Stays In Active Topics
  15. Thanks, good to know
  16. I'll try looking for it and I'll send you a link if I find it️.
  17. Can't they be cheaper 