Extra Credits

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jerk123123, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Yes, there should be a green button that says show jobs or something along those lines
  2. Can I use my in-game extra credits to buy real-life food?
  3. I like it keep up the great work
  4. This really helpful! Great job! But I've never gotten EC randomly by doing a job, I have for those "checkpoints" when you complete a job or a job set though. I have completed 1,231 job so far, and I was wondering if I am doing something wrong, or if I'm just unlucky? Thank you!
  5. So how do you know when an EC cycle begins and ends?
  6. You don't, I just called it a "cycle" to somewhat more easily explain drop probability.
  7. how do u get ec by beating a opponent
  8. Awesome! I'm new hire me
  9. 9 unloads and no ec about 2 weeks ago

    4 unloads today and no ec

  10. I had never get an EC in jobs...
  11. You don't get ec by winning hits against other players.

    And im sorry, thats just luck. They definitely do drop.
  12. I got 10dns from a job before
  13. Wow thanks!
  14. Thanku that was my point number3 is wrong
  15. In my case, I've been gaining dns. Lol
  16. ?I did 2 unloads
  17. I got ec more than 5 a day when farming jobs 