Darkrose - mod

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlIIllIlIlIlZEUSSlIlIlIllllIlI, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. Warrior u once told me that u didn't care about being mod.... That u just helped out bc u truly enjoyed the community ...
  2. Yeah, that was until sexters overwhelmed campus and I wanted to do some about... I no longer care because rose is mod.
  3. Rose will be these kids till they're PINK!

    Ha... Ha.. Haha... Maybe that was totally the wrong time to say that 
  4. Congrats!! I still think mods should get paid though
  5. I get paid for being sexy on forums 
    *Is sexy* woo new paycheck!
  6. What the hell!! I should het sexy pay too!! Lmfao
  7. I feel warrior has gone about this the wrong way but I also think rose is rude too, any way warrior if you have any questions direct them through cookie he seems to be the one who's running the show
  8. Sounds good 
  9. No zeuss..

    Once u faint it's hard to wake u up  grats
  10. Rose hates me
  11. They are still making under age people mods in kaw I mean I know a certain couple mods here that are underage and the newest mod in law is under age
  12. Yes  That's KaW it doesn't have a 17 rating
  13. Lulz @ the ridiculousness of this thread.
  14. Roy your such a troll