Found Another funny one....inactive but only my friends can farm me......LoL how the hec are they going to know if only there friends farmed them if they don't play no more lololololol......
I saw one that said Hit me and ill strip, farm, and spam you back. First i blocked him then hit him and the funny thing was he was about 2kcs :lol: So he couldnt hit me and he stripped me. >ooo Oh boy!
Really, you're posting on pretty much every thread bow dude, why would you post on one in July of last year??
OHMIGOD!!!! It's me!!! I remember my days as Jess.... Chloe, I love that your remembered me even after I left Should I revive my Poptart Status? Dude, she just calle you fat. OH, HELL NO! HOLD MY POPTARTS!! ~Ari