Comebacks and Insults

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Glenn-, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. "You Failed"
    "So Did your Dad's Condom"
    "So did you Mum/Moms Abortion"
  2. "Would you like some toilet paper to clean up the  in your mouth?"

    "Do you need a pad for your mouth?"
  3. "you still got a little white on your lip"
  4. "There's some red on your ass. Did your tampon fail or what?"

    I remember... 
  5. I wish I could see things from ur perspective,... But I can't get my head that far up my ass!
  6. Its funny how a guy/girl like you can have such a huge mouth but a tiny brain
  7. I could fit your entire gene pool in my kitchen sink.
  8. " Sorry, I don't speak noobesse "

    " Hun, you aren't worth the time, just crawl back into the gloryhole where you came from "
  9. In an argument "I would agree with u but then we would both be wrong"
  10. Your so fat, the only letters you know are K F C :D
  11. U can pretty much wif any insult thrown at u com bck wif "SO'S U FACE"
  12. "You know who's gay? You."
    "Shut up."
    "That's not what your mother said."

  14. To go along with Brad's "I know you are..." comment:
    I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me, and sticks to you.

    Once when fighting with my cousin I used both of those when he was coming up with actual insults. He just looked at me dumbfounded.
  15. Conversation over. I'd rather fall of a skyscraper then look see or talk to u
  16. Hell yeah. I was talking to Carter yesterday while we were trying to sleep at his house,and he said I was pretty and I said shut up. he was talking to my parents when I was twelve and he said that's not what Jasmine said. 
  17. I saw you on the magazine of ugly monthly
  18. When I think of u my middle finger gets a boner!!