Nope no killing I'm so sorry for the long wait but I have terrible writers block and my wo if was out yester day sooooo my update may have been erased..... I should have one by tommorrow though if I not to busy loooooovvvvvvve y'all
Update: <>~~~~<>~~~<>~~~<~>~~~<>~~~<>~~~~<> She smiled at Daniel and then waved at Nick. Julie was enjoying how Daniel couldn't look her in the eye without blushing. Who ever it was who he was with, because there was no way he would have ended their night together otherwise, must be an Angel sent to earth for keeping him so loyal. Though part of her respected him for not taking her hunted offer of being with her. Nick sat down and leaned back in the chair calm with himself, though a tiny glance she noticed directed at Daniel told Julie that something was Going on. "So Daniel, is something on your mind? You seem distant." "Oh Daniel is just dealing with rowdy students, nothing else really happens here to teachers other then that," Nick said with a laugh. "Yes this one student just seems to have gotten under my skin about homework. How about you? Any students you are having trouble with?" Daniel finally looked her in the eye and seemed interested. Maybe it was him worrying about her, a girl could only hope. "Oh well there is this one boy who I seem to have had trouble with keeping focased, Hunter, I can't think of his last name. He's always looking at Aliza and never pays attention. Though I have to admit she is a looker." Laughing she slowly noticed how stiff Daniel's jaw had become and a warning look in Nick's eyes as he sat straighter and looked at Daniele then back to her. "Is that so..." Daniel said slowly. Standing he excused himself and walked out of the room. What had just happened? Julie sat there in confusion. Then an idea poped in her head, could Aliza be someone special to Daniel? Sitting there, Julie decided to see just how speacial this student was. "So Nick," crossing her legs she gave him the smile that won her many line cuts, "How have you been?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry for the short update I've just been having the worst writers block. Love y'all
Julie smirked at Nick, one thin eyebrow arching, " Should I worry? He seems upset. " Nick waved her off and chuckled, " That same student has been giving him a hard time. Those two don't see much eye to eye. ", He replied while changing the subject to sports. Julie rolled her eyes and planted her chin on her palm. Droning Nick out with her own thoughts. Though she made sure to nod at all the right times at Nick. Just so he wouldn't notice her not paying attention. Did it look like she was interested in sports? Daniel crossed the hall to his class room. He felt his hands clench and unclench at his side. If only he could have done something, but he knew he couldn't. For gods sake, he wasn't even supposed to be involved with Aliza! Destiny had different ideas for them. He ran a hand through his hair. Not noticing until it was too late that he bumped in to the principal. He tensed up and turned to apologize. " Principal Skidmore! So sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. ", He began to say, sweating slightly in nervousness. Did he even notice his disheveled expression? Principal Skidmore turned to greet him laughing, " It's alright Daniel. No need to worry, many people in a rush today. don't look so hot. Everything okay? ", He inquired while stepping closer. " Uh..yea..I just kinda don't feel so well. Should probably have just stayed out. ", He mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck. Principal Skidmore nodded, " I'll tell ya what. I have an extra teacher assistant on duty today. She can cover your class for the rest of the day. You go home and get some rest. ", He replied with a look of concern. With one wave of goodbye and turning on his heel. He was gone. Daniel sighed and entered his classroom. Gathering his books off his desk. His keys he grabbed from his desk drawer. Then took off out of the room and down the hall. Towards the exit door to the left hand side. He was a couple steps from his car when he felt a hand on his arm. Tugging him back from leaving. When he turned to face the person, he was surprised. " Aliza? What is it? ", He asked softly, studying her features with a gentle gaze. " Where are you going? You've never left school before! And I saw you and the principal talking. What did he say?!? Did he find out?! ", She questioned him with a voice tinged with fear. They couldn't find out! She wasn't of she and he would go to jail! It was all her fault. Daniel quieted her near hysterical voice, " I'm just going home for the day. Need to clear my head about a few things. I'll see you later for study time. ", He responded and got in his car. Aliza frowned in dismay and glanced around the school parking lot. She was still pissed at him for earlier. But she wanted answers. She climbed in to the passenger side. Ignoring Daniel's look while placing her seat belt on. Not another word was said between them. Not even as Daniel pulled out and drove quickly away from school grounds. Twenty minutes of silence hung between them. Daniel frowned and cast her a side ways look. Noticing her staring out the window. He made a quick turn, pulling up in to his garage. Pressing a button to close the steel door to hide his car. He stepped out and got his keys. Unlocking the garage door leading in to his medium built sized house. Aliza left her book bag in the car. Walking in behind him and closing the door once he opened it. Daniel quickly pressed her against the fridge. His lips seeking hers and a hand pulling her against him by her hip. He groaned in dismay when she pushed at his chest. Unwilling to let her go or miss another opportunity. He kissed her with heated passion until she slowly began responding. He felt her arms wound around his neck. Placing his hands on her hips. Gently sucking on her bottom lip before kissing her senseless. She moaned softly in to his mouth and blushed at his touch. She didn't think she could fight it. Daniel gently lifted her up in to is arms. Carrying her upstairs to his room. Where he gently laid her on his bed. Gazing down at her, her hair splayed out on his pillow. She looked like an angel against his white sheets. He smirked at her, being pulled down to her lips. Kissing her back with a gentle but urgent note. He tensed slightly, Aliza wrapping one slender leg over his. He wasn't sure if he would be able to stop himself. She wasn't helping the situation either. He slid her blouse up, exposing her flat stomach. His fingertips grazing her skin while trailing up. Her hand slid up his back, moving his shirt up. Which came off just as quick. He was surprised at how bold she was getting. But it didn't matter. He had her back in his arms, that's all that mattered. Aliza ran her fingers through his hair. Holding him close, her lips molding to his in a passionate kiss. She wasn't sure if she was ready for the next step. Though she couldn't find it in her to stop either. It was a futile fight of emotions. Once her blouse met the ground with his. There was no longer any turning back.
Update ~~~~<>~~~<>~~~<>~~~<>~~~<>~~~<>~~~~ Waking up in Daniels bed was the best feeling Aliza could have ever dreamed of. The feeling of the soft sheets running down her bare legs, the soft yet firm pillows reminding her of other things. She was in heaven. Daniel was still asleep his head burried in her neck, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Aliza was still so amazed at how far things had been taken last night. Daniel always said how he wouldn't make a move until she was of legal age, but last night Aliza could think of sevral moves that were taken not meant for a teacher and student. Looking over at the clock Aliza panicked and sat up, letting Daniel try to cuddle into space. She searched for where her clothing had been tossed and her cheeks burst out into flames. She had located her pants hanging loosely on his dresser across the room. Getting up she gathered her under garments and was putting on her pants when warm arms snaked around her waist. They pulled her soft curves against Daniels hard lines. "What are you doing Aliza?" "Getting ready for school. We overslept." Aliza smiled at Daniel and kissed his noes. That wasn't good enough for him and she was rewarded with a long hungry kiss that promised more. "We're not going to school Darling." Shaking her head she argued,"But we have to. It's school I mean, you have a class and I have my classes and–" she was cut off by suddenly beg tossed on the bed, Daniel standing at the edge with a smirk on his face. "Haven't you learned it's best not to argue with your teacher." He slowly got on the bed and crawled over, looking like a jungle cat with his amber eyes flashing darkly and hunger filled. Aliza backed up against the bed board and smiled at him trying to see if he had some reason in him. "Daniel I'm half way dressed we can't–" Again she was cut off by him pouncing on her pinning her hands to the soft pillows and his knee between her legs. "Then it will be 50% easier to undress you. Didn't I teach your math class?" "I was a little distracted." Daniel smirked again and brushed his lips against hers. "Then let me teach you something while I have your attention." Aliza just couldn't muster up any way will power to stop him from teaching the best lesson of her life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hunter looked around and sighed. It seemed as if Aliza wouldn't be coming to school today. He had started wondering if maybe her and Daniel missing school together meant something but he shook it out of his head. He probably was just missing his daily dose of eye candy. That was alright though since Gina and that new Hot science teacher were around to keep his eyes busy. Sitting in class he glanced up at Ms.Nunez and smiled winking. He was expecting her to roll her eyes and begin class or at the worse send him to the principal, but what she did made all the males in class to take a deep breath. She winked back and then turned to show off what we could see in her right black dress pants. The green sweater the was turtle neck but had a circle cut really set it off nicely. Yes Hunter was going to enjoy Science, even though his chemistry partner in question wouldn't be coming. ~~~~~~~ Julia smiled as Hunter left the room last. Watching him look like a lost puppy without Aliza was amusing. She still wanted to know what that was all about but she was distracted. Nick had walked in and leaned in the doorway, a worried expression on his noticeably handsome face. "Was Aliza in your class today?" "No why? Did she skip mine today? I didn't really think of her as a skipper." "No it's just—" He cut himself off and frowned again. Julia stepped closer wondering what it was he was about to say. Noticing her curiosity he waved it off and smiled in her direction. "Nothing, she just hasn't ever missed school before. I had her before two years ago. Great kid." Nick walked out of the classroom and she sighed, leaning against the desk. Somehow, someway, she Julia Maria Nunez, would find out what was going on at this school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hehe update I hope y'all like it I just couldn't resist following up that steamy update it was so freakin awesome haha Love y'all sooooo much