1. 2012 2. All the dank threads, some of my threads were cool too 3. Wyatt, Cindy, Crystal, I have terrible memory and can't think , kelon, and stuff
When the forums first started were some of the best times. I've been on multiple accounts throughout the years and I've grown out of PIMD, but something always made me come back now and again. I must say today's forums interface is top notch, perhaps the poster quality is a little lower? But then again, it was a smaller community so it's rose tinted goggles for the likes of me. I look forward to staying around and being able to lurk at some great content.
I prefer the old layout but with the nifty buttons we have now for quoting, editing and deleting. Also the search option.
I got an interview from the developers about forums so if I can not be lazy and type it up, I'll get a mod to edit this thread for all you to see.?
Yaaaay I was mentioned 3 times im speshul Forums back in 2011-end of 2012 were the best. Although I was one of the top 8 with the highest post count ( i take pride in that) I feel like I also wasted a lot of time on this game for nothing. I mean, look at what it's become now. Y'know? Kinda sad now. Everything's different.