Hermes Guidebook: People

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hermes-IN-DaClouds, May 10, 2012.

  1. This is an awesome Guide Hermes :)

    Well done!

    Bumpity bump bump Bumpity bump bump, look at Frosty go!
  2. Thanks for this thread! It is awesome!
  3. Bump for the new players!
  4. Amazes me how this didn't get stickied.
  5. And how slender's threads do. :lol:
  6. Thanks guys lol
    It's been forever since I first posted this thread.
  7. But Hermes, I was just informed that your definition of trolling isn't the correct definition. Isn't someone who stalks a thread just to say derogatory or cruel things (such as pertaining to a persons username) classified as a troll? 

    Genuinely confused.
  8. Look up the definition of a troll Britney
  9. I cited my source as well.
  10. Hermes you bully

    Love you.
  11. Hermes, what caregory do I fall under
  12. That is up for you to decide, my friend. Which do you wish to be apart of?
  13. Good Answer
    I would be average lol i'm active every day.
    and i can be trusted