Discussion in 'Wars' started by *-Anna- (02), Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Team BBB
  2. #TeamBBB all the way brah 
  3. The Colours So Pretty
  4. I wanna put my main in where most the girls are 
  5. The other team should be Big Boobie Bikinis.
  6. The other team should be skanky speedos B)
  7. triple B's k thx
  8. Phil, go on the opposite side as me.
  9. Skanky Speedos?  I kinda like that
  10. Big Boobie Bikinis sounds too much like the other team ?
  11. I'd get confused
  12. Do you know what that means?
  13. Well everyone's joining the other side cause of the name.
  14. ? Fudge Bags.
  15. I need more name suggestions! Or the triple B's will takeover.
  16. ^ this mans a genius, I want to be on that team 
  17. Skanky Ass Speedos FTW 

    Join me, Phil. 