Followers Competition

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jac_Loves_ReBelle, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Can some one check my followers i don't feel like counting them all lol  pls
  2. You have 576 
  3. How many I got
  4. You have 168
  5. How can you find that..9.0
  6. When I came back I had 623. I friended or denied them all. I have well over a thousand friends. :)
  7. Fox you have 168
  8. I didn't read the thread - Bosen has 14,073 so she wins
  9. Wayne you have 490 followers. Yea bosen has the most for sure.
  10. I wish bosen would go to forums 
  11. Awww My Bo she's awesome
  12. Hmmm.... Any other entries???
  13. Thanks Tawn  and wayne of pain 
  14. Well wasn't that a nice visit from bosen