Followers Competition

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jac_Loves_ReBelle, Nov 5, 2011.

  1.  just post how many you have on the acc your on atm
  2. Actually you have 2,187 
  3. 10000000000000000000000000001 followers
  4. How many i got 
  5. U have 915
  6. I have around 20  im Mr. Popular 
  7. I got 25
  8. We need more entries before I can announce the winner
  9. how much do i have?
  10. How much do I have?
  11. Cookie you have 352 
  12. u have 542 nightmare
  13. How much do I have?
  14. You have 675 russia
  15. Nobody follows me "/