Pwars is active just he made a YouTube video saying "hit me just no unloading on me" And spitfire is on occasionally just not as much
Also: -_-MiNi-_- -Hearts-Dupe30 -TODD- _Macadoodles_ bensen_ British Cookies-has-Quit Dan2012 Kasia LoverBoyLeo mcfury Mercin Miko2097 muymuyskie Superbaba TERROR-SuperBoy- Playmates_Steven PlusSizedBoy Sessha SirPeanut Vyntrix Sorry for any repeats, I only read the post from OP ️ Happy Farming!
Thanks for the names guys I'll work on adding them. And you should generally try for farms that are about 2x your stats.
Its not like you're going to get credit for a farm list Caleb. These lists and names have been done and redone for years.