Farm List

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jerk123123, May 11, 2014.

  1. Good!! My farmlist name not here :)
  2. AssSnatcheR dance farm
  3. The terror one under kitty reset 
  4. W
  5. God list thanksi lost my old ones
  6. How do you make a link to the person's account with their name?
  7. ?thanks, I'll update it.
  8. And, if the person hasnt posted in forums, you cant. I got these links from support.
  9. Tysm btw for this thread 
  10. The coding
    The professional looking thread
  11. you're welcome
    And lol
  12.  very helpful for noobs like me
    Thanks muchies!
  13. Shanane is a farm too I can't get back in there
  14. Aphrodite reset :*oops
  15. :oops: sorry new to bb codes lol
  16. Add Shanane I can't get in that profile anymore