Farm List

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jerk123123, May 11, 2014.

  1. TERROR-BadB0y-- for dance farm.
  2. Thanks ill add him
  3. Rs_dolcevita is a even build farm
  4. Thanks for the names?
  5. Thanks so much! Needed a new farm haha
  6. Visionaryking is active ?
  7. the one with an L after the s is, not the one with an i after it
  8. iMarsUnderTheSun open farm ?jk lmao
  9. Open Farm
    Stats: 4,092/24,654
  10. You can edit forums now? 0.o haha
  11. My old account can be added: AlohaParadise
  12. Kinda, if you email support they can do it for you
  13. Thanks grannie
  14. visionaryking with an i after the s is active or atleast was the other day as he was silenced for 24 hours only a day or two ago
  15. I see that now, I'll remove him