Farm List

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jerk123123, May 11, 2014.

  1. I would like to add Carlos208 to the farm list.
    I have no means of accessing this account anymore.
  2. I would like to add myself to the list too
  3. BUMPING THIS for my stupid pup :D
  4. Thanks my stupid tutor :D
  5. bruhhhh op u said ur open farm why ur name nt there bruhhhh
  6. Add cholo69. No using that acc anymore
  7. Im also afarm... include me please... i pay good... its a success for u en me.
  9. Can u hire me
  10. Add another one.
  11. Bump (useful thread)

  12. You should add Mason
  13. Spit isn't open farm anymore I think.-.
  14. My pupil and this account. Add them both all strength build. Active just dgaf lol