Daily Key Giveaway

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Meagan, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. Sometimes you just gotta leap
    Jump out and just feel the breeze
    You're stronger than you believe - you are
    You are!
    Sometimes it's just gonna hurt
    But you gonna live and learn
    You're stronger than you believe - you are
    You are unstoppable!
  2. Life is fun, But the way you will enjoy it, Its up to you
  3. I earn 2/3 in one CC ?
  4. Ashw's Submission

    A picture I took when I was bored a few weeks ago. This is after I added a filter to it. 
  5. when life gives you lemons, squish them in the eye.
  6. --- I hope I Get chosen ---
  7. "In life we do things, some we wish we never had done or we wish we could replay a million times in our head.

    But they all make us who we are and in the end they shape every detail about u. if we were to reverse any of them we wouldn't be the person we are right now.

    So just live,make mistakes, have wonderful memories but never ever second guess who you are.

    After all you're just human and along the way there will be struggles but you have to come out stronger on the other end. Never forget who you are or how you've made it this far."

  8. Y u no pick me? ;/;
  9. when it rains it pours
  10. Look at my signature gif doe

  11. I like food :roll: Dont judge :cry:

    My Quote: I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won't Be Able To Find You!

    Nah Nah Kidding

    THE REAL QUOTE: Happiness Can Be Found Even In The Darkest Of Times If One Only Remembers To Turn The Light On

    Yes Yes Ik This Was A Random Comment But Ya Know. Watcha gon' do?
  12. The sun never says to the earth 'you owe me' ?
  13. 
  14. Live without pretending,Love without depending,Listen without defending,and
    Speak without offending. 
  16. No, just no :(
  17. Okok i just got lost lol congo to whos winning but fine ill get better quote hahaha
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