Channel News PIMD #2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), Jun 18, 2011.

  1. [size=200*] text here [/size*]
  2. Hey can I join the News Team?
  3. Hmm...ill take jokes and creating funny commercials.
  4. What about an extra joke section?
  5. I would do a Daily funny post. 
  6. (idea courtesy of pixie)
  7. What did the wave say when it left?
  8. ...

    Um....weather or something...no...game of the week.
  9. game of the day*
  10. game and quote of the day .D yep.
  11. Confuscius said don't nail in the hammer when you can screw it in.(I'll take care of quote of the day)(one job only,there will be others who wanna apply)
  12. game of the day. .(