Chapter 7 "Okay everyone," Noah sighs, "nothing to see here. Carry on." Everyone finally starts making their way out of the school. Noah tears the piece of paper off my locker, crumbles it up, and tosses it into the nearby garbage can. It seemed like Noah was affected by this event too; his light eyes changed into a dark gray and his expression was full of fiery. After a long moment of silence, I manage to muster up, "Noah?" "Yes, Rosalie," he responds gritting his teeth. "I think we both need to clear our minds from this incident. Would you like to go to hang out with me?" I say trying not to hesitate. "Um. Sure. Let's go to the diner." We walk to the diner downtown styled in the 60's way with the really old cars, red booths, and vintage pictures. "Hey y'all, can I start ya with something to drink?" our waitress asked. Looking at her name tag, her name was Olivia. She was gorgeous with sparkly, hazel eyes, wavy, red hair, and a bright smile. "Can we just have two vanilla milkshakes and a slice of chocolate cake to share." Noah ordered and Olivia walks away. "How'd you know what I wanted?" I asked shocked. "I read your mind," he replies. "Yeah right," I laugh. Olivia comes back to our table with our two vanilla milkshakes and our cake. The vanilla milkshake was thick and creamy while the cake was heavy and chocolately. "This is heaven!" I exclaimed. "It's the best cake I've eaten," Noah agreed, "excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." I slurped my milkshake a little more and munched on some more cake when I heard the bell tingle indicating that another customer was in the diner; she was talking on the phone really loudly. "Mhm. Yes dear, the cheese fries and the strawberry milkshake. Yes dear. Mommy loves you, Prissypoo. Okay. Bye now, darling," she snaps her phone closed. Prissypoo? Wait. Priscilla. Priscilla's mother! I wonder how she dealt with me. Well, Garrett did get brainwashed because we were going out; then the next he was magically with Priscilla. She went to the counter where another waitress was standing and ordered everything for Priscilla. She was thin and and wore a long, tight, black dress that fell to her ankles. Her hair was curly blonde, just like Priscilla's, and they shared the same hideous nose. She was really young, for the most part, very young to be a mother, at least, compared to mine. She eyed me with the same devilish smile Priscilla gives me and started walking toward me. She had that glimmer to her eyes making her seem almost... magical, but I knew I was only joking around. I try to keep my head down and avoid her eye contact as she walks by and takes a look at the old jukebox. Phew, I thought, that would've been awkward. She walks by me again and stops right in front of my table. My heart starts racing and beating really loud but she only stops to smoothen out her dress. Noah, suddenly, sprints frantically from the bathroom causing a loud commotion in the diner. It was only us and Priscilla's mother, but when he came running in, Priscilla's mother's face fills with fear. She runs out of the restaurant without taking her order and speeds away in her sports car. I really wondered what that was all about, but I knew I wouldn't be answered. At least, not now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I already wrote the next update! But I'm not going to post it yet! Sorry about my major writer's block . Please wall me if you want to be notified when my story has been updated, I don't know if I should notify everyone. Thanks lovelies