The Pimd Star

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheOneYouWantToBe, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. We're good Jessie
  2. I mean, what was fail?
    You posted fail after my reply.
    d T ~ T b
  3. Zoe is my tutor she lurks way too much but does pop into tutor chat when it's active.
  4. 1) I'm pretty sure you've made a petition before.

    2) Sending 25 emails to support is a terrible idea.

    3) You bypassed.

    4) The original post is a bunch of pictures with captions that hardly relate to the pictures.

    5) Oak is my noob buddy.
  5. You got quite a time on your hands, don't you? 

  6. intriguing forum dear
  7. That's quite a response royale

    Btw: There is going to be an ode to trolls in the next episode.
  8. Just saying

    Not with underscore 
  9. Oops, thx for the correction


  10. Just finally skimmed this... And what exactly "You'd know from experience, Michelle." supposed to mean?
  11. It was a joke on your post.

    Get a sense of humor people
  12. ... But it's not funny.

    Nor does it truly make sense.
  13.  lmao awesome thread
  14. It really didn't make sense, but I saw my name!

    Whoop Whoop!
  15. What are trolls?

    You should make one on critiques, so I can be included. ;)
  16. I'll make a 'What is a troll' ;)
  17. PIMD star two my come out tonight