ᎿΗε ΡιΜᎠ ᎦΤαΓ ερ5

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheOneYouWantToBe, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. Bump
    I don't use TTT 
  2. BUMP
    I hate TTT
    Why not use PPP?
    PPP stands for Pee Pee Pee
  3. Um, yes, mentioning a 3rd party app can get you silenced. The exception is mentioning the official PIMD pal groups.
  4. There's not enough swearing and slang in the English part.
  5. I can't for the 6th episode !
  6. Out tonight, or more likely Monday.

    I haven't had any sleep for 72 hours.
  7. Well go to sleep!
  8. Except for the fact that α) I have work. And β) Little demanding people like you want new eps.
  9. I'm not demanding  I was just saying that I can't wait for the next episode .....  I wasn't requesting to do the next one fast 
  10. Why all the 's, and 's?

  11. You made me feel bad 
  12. I didn't mean too
  13.  !

     I knew you didn't  !
    Because you're nice 
  14. Not everyone thinks that way about me.

  15.  Don't be sad!  You will make me sad too!

    *Hugs* It'll be okay! Just ignore those other people! 
  16. *ignores all exept about 6 people*

