Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BigHer0, Jul 9, 2013.

  1.  Pandas don't like dark places
  2.  Your basement? Pshh, bitch have you seen my dungeon?
  3.  Panda, I'd keep you in my bedroom.
  4. Sign me up 
  5. Panda i'd "cuddle" you in the kitchen, shower, living room and at motel 6 they leave the light on for you
  6. I dunno I'd be so scared to sign up for this lmao next thing you know sir billingsworth is going to be up
  7. id love to see sirB do this 
  8. So what's the hold up?
  9. Well mr. B you'll have to clear that with Brit first 
  10. Approved "cuddling" that's no fun :(
  11. Who still has to pick
  12. Ok finnnne Brit doesn't have to approve it.  Better?
  13. Oh yea… Chloe get that camera ready
  14. I'm one step ahead sirB
  15. This thread is getting way off topic
  16. Your mom is way off topic :mrgreen:

    Im just kidding please don't go all crazy on me
  17. I just got home from work ._. I'll read the previous pages now. Whatever is wrong, I can fix it. >.> we've worked too hard, I refuse to quit.
  18.  Brit he offered me candy
  19. so... what did i miss? :)