DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN ? Note to self, next time stick to one bachelor. Multiple bachelors leads to multiple problems.
._. Well #7 and #5 are going to have to choose or I will just cancel the whole damn thing and take a nap.
._. Kri needs to pick a different two girls. Ones that haven't been chosen yet. Scarb needs to pick two more that haven't been chosen too. Then everything will be perfect ._.
Put a ring on it Alice and I'm all yours Kri lets just run off into the sunset instead jokes. Yeah one bachelor would have been easier ladies
You people have no faith. You don't know what we went through to get here. It's not a mess, it's a learning experience. We've got it all figured out
Scarp- 6/5 Bintz- 8/10 Gazzy- 7/3 Jetboy- ?/11 Kri- N/A So.. Kri needs to pick two and Jetboy needs to pick one. THAT ISN'T ALREADY TAKEN -.-