
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Ichirou (01), Jan 22, 2012.

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  1. 
  2. you're going to be silenced Glenn  and Pfft as if you can farm me  can i farm you back? 
  3. Hey man no farming back that's mean 
  4. hit me Glenn. I dare you! see what happens.
  5. I was joking  Why would I be silenced?
  6. because ass is filtered on forums.
  7. Oh. 

  8. Next silence is my third too. Damn.
  9.  lol my next silence will be my fourth 
  10. Lol what did you get silenced for Cookie?
  11. Breaking ToU 
  12. Well to be specific.....
  13. How do I send an appeal? 
  14. Join the silenced world, Glenn. 
  15. Family
    Mommy: 00_Suiii, thank you for always helping me.
    Mommy: Mulva, even though you were never on a lot, you were always there we I needed you, thank you.
    Mommy: -LoveyDoveyIvy-, even though the first time we met was bad, I'm glad that I am considered your Best Friend.
    Big Sister: Kimwiches, thank you for always protecting me, supporting me, and helping me, and being a big sister I never had. Without your presents I would have been a lost puppy.
    Sister-In-Law: Draz, your amazing and sweet, don't change who you are. Check your inbox.
    Little Sister: -iLM-Angelique-, I hope you find the person you are looking for.

    -AbbyJ-, thank you for guiding me.
    -CHULA- (R3B3CA), thank you for letting me upgrade you and be your pupil, and fellow friend.
    -Diesel-, keep protecting my mommy.
    -Immortals-Jetboy-, thank you for warning me and volleying with me.
    -Mari_GiggityGiggity-, thank you for being my friend.
    -Miss-J-Angel-, your an Angel, thank you for everything.
    -Studley-, thank you for teaching me how to upgrade and build tutors.
    -T_L-Angel_Love, that you for being my Best Friend, and letting me upgrade you and volley with you.
    -T_L-Jess, thank you for being my friend.
    -T_L-Kris,thank you for being my friend.
    -T_L-Lizzy,thank you for being my friend and UConn basketball is better.
    -Zeuss-, thank you for being my friend and an awesome MOD.
    00_ScubaDesi, thank you for being my friend.
    _Alice, thank you for being my friend.
    _Trixie_, thank you for being my friend and letting me volley with you.
    _Warrior, thank you for your dorm and crew guide.
    AC_Slater, thank you for teaching me everything.
    Ajitto, thank you for being a great club owner and allowing me to volley with you.
    Amanda43, thank you for being my friend.
    applez, thank you for being my friend.
    BabyPooh5, thank you for being my friend.
    BeAryFr3ckles, thank you for being my friend.
    Betty-Decker, thank you for being my friend.
    bhinkyboo, thank you for being my friend and the postcards.
    BigBlock, thank you for being my friend.
    BustyPeaches_eevee, thank you for being my friend.
    CaptJackSparrow, thank you for being my friend.
    CORONAlime, thank you for being my friend.
    CourDiablo, thank you for being my friend.
    cutegene12, thank you for being my friend.
    Daniel11, thank you for being my friend and helping me with volleys.
    dean_heaven, thank you for being my friend and upgrading me to 40kcs.
    DeMonStar, thank you for upgrading me.
    Driller, thank you for being my friend and allowing me to volley.
    Emily_LoveMe_XOXO, thank you for being my friend.
    FallonJade, thank you for being my friend.
    FiDaRrO, thank you for being my first friend, I'm sorry for the trouble I caused.
    flumyz, thank you for being my friend.
    i-DamonsGirl, thank you for being my friend.
    iEatBabyEaters, thank you for being my friend.
    Izzy82, thank you for being my friend and for volleys.
    JohnnyBlaze, thank you for being my friend.
    Jsacmk, thank you for being my friend and for helping me bump tutors.
    Juli_hot-mama_Rawr, thank you for being my friend and helping with testing.
    lacrossegoaliechic, thank you for being my best friend, and always asking how I am doing.
    levybby, thank you for being my friend and my second club owner.
    LilZoe, thank you for being my friend and the postcard!
    Terror-MrsBadBoy-, thank you for being my best friend, helping me volley, upgrading, and the postcards.
    madeline, thank you for being my friend and your Wallart!
    Mindy, thank you for being my friend and a great mod.
    Monzita, thank you for being my friend.
    monimeats, thank you for being my friend.
    Mrs_Laura_the_Ninja_Hobo, thank you for being my friend.
    NB--MaddyMoo, thank you for being my friend.
    NightWolfBane, thank you for being my friend and letting me into Ordo.
    norman-k, thank you for being my friend and helping me upgrade.
    OliviaAnna, thank you for being my friend, and I'm not always in trouble, well.... Yeah I am always in trouble .
    PHANTASM, thank you for being my friend.
    Pinz, thank you for being my friend.
    Prettigirlrock, thank you for being my friend and upgrading and volleying with me, and a pupil.
    QUIDYA, thank you for being my friend.
    Quinn_Bianx, thank you for being my friend and postcards.
    Ranettez, thank you for being my friend.
    Rachaelpooh, thank you for being my best friend, you have truly helped me the most.
    RICCENA, thank you for being my friend and pupil.
    ShatteredAngel ( CC ), thank you for being my friend.
    Siara-Mae, thank you for being my friend and the postcards.
    SleepingBeauty18, thank you for being my friend.
    snHOE_White, thank you for being my best friend, and always asking how I feel.
    SMdelight, thank you for being my best friend, and always cheering me up, don't change for anyone.
    Stallone, thank you for being my friend.
    sxual_me, thank you for being my friend and the postcard.
    tabascobaby, thank you for being my friend.
    Tequilapop, thank you for being my friend.
    TERROR-BabyEater-, thank you for being my friend and letting me volley with you.
    TERROR-BecTheHoneyBadger, thank you for being my friend and ROLL TIDE ROLL.
    TheGoodTime, thank you for being my friend.
    Willibudd, thank you for being my friend.
    Winteress, thank you for being my friend.
    xRebeccaIsAwesome, thank you for being my friend.
    xXBlackHeartXx, thank you for being my friend.
    Your_Party_Girl, thank you for being my friend.
    Zameer, thank you for being my friend and how can I not forget the .
  16. Olivia- You are the most amazing person in this game. I love you, and would gladly get farmed for you

    Alice- You are awesome and i love your accent. You are also a good pupil, and when i upgrade i will have your back

    Jihi-  I love you.

    Kyle- You kinda worry me in TC and i love you. Your my noob

    Phantasm- I will always be your Munchy boy Your awesome

    Amanda- Your my sexy WC buddy and my other Philly girl

    Anna- Thanks for accepting me into WTC and becoming a great friend.

    NeonWolf- You are pretty awesome and a good mod

    Rose- Again, Fantastic mod, and you make me laugh in pal chat

    Ang- My other sexy WC buddy I miss you<3

    Ryan- You and baz accepted me the first day i on this account and we have talked ever since. Your a good friend that puts up outstanding arguments and always makes me laugh.

    Lauren- Thanks for buying my charlie. And over 30 rings Your a great friend and an amazing pupil

    Jane- You make me laugh and no matter what will always call me Sandy Claws 

    BigBlock- You honestly made me consider changing my name to SmallSock and made my time in DS great. I hope i can join back again soon. Much love, Munchy

    Maxie- MOMMY I love you and you make me laugh on a daily basis. Im so glad you adopted me into your family

    Cookie Monster- Your tales of being an Australian Sniper amaze me Thanks for explaining that quickscoping can not be really done with breaking your collarbone

    CaptainJackSparrow- You were THE BEST mod this game ever had. I enjoyed playing "Farm the rule breaker" in WC back in January and even though you cant see this, you were a good friend.

    NoraG- Thank you so much for your fantastic art and loveable sense of humor

    Vesta- Welcome Back! And thanks for volleying with me. Your great!


    Distant Society- Thanks for accepting me into your amazing club. You are such a good family and i hope i can join again to see you all and talk! Good luck in this farm war

    What the cluck- You guys define the word family. I went to just visit, and you guys ended up making me stay. I love all of you so much.

    New Beginnings- Just recently joined and im not sure if i will stay, but im strongly considering it.

    Terror- I thought you guys were pretty cool until you took hundreds of billions of dollars from my closest friends. Most of you are dead to me now. 
  17. My wiz 

    Thank you for your sweet words, I love you too =]
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