Sam And Mon's Wedding War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -PA_Samurai-, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Congrats
    mom's side
  2. I am sure sam ask her who is the best nd she will say me apparently ur corn ain't big enough
  3. Omg Kay  shush before you scare him off 
  4. Haha well my "corn" is fine according to her. Have you ever heard her scream? Didn't think so 
  5. Yes cuz I be making her scream bby u can her here all the way from space we be on the walls nd windows ain't tht right mon mon
  6. You should try speaking English 
  7. ? stoooooop 
  8. dear lord o.o you arent even married n youre abusing your soupse ? im taking her away frm you D: lol
  9. Hehe sorry baby 
  10. No way Karina
  11. She my bby?
  12. Osbllt  where we going? 
  13. Mon imma take u on a ride
  14. Congrats Sam and Mon
  15. OSBLLT we going to somewhere we'll both love  we gon' get turnt up! 
  16. Thanks Nathan 
  17. Monny you had a ride the other night don't be greedy 
  18. Thanks Nathan ️
  19.  not even greedy, I didn't ask for it 
  20. my windows are open o.o