 AJ's Guide To Forums 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ayano-Fire-Konachan- (01), Oct 22, 2011.

  1. That rule isn't actually official or whatever.

    Forumers messed it up 

    Live with it. 
  2. [​IMG]
    I want to draw a pic for you
  3. If the thread owner asks you to leave due to blah blah-




    Doesn't have to be spam or profanity. ^_^
  4. Keep reading it sayes due to profanity or spamming
  5. I stopped there for a reason, you know.
  6. Just be good and no one will ask you to leave 
  7. Tht's why I stay silent. 
  8. @Phia... :/ I think people dont have eyes.. I posted after I put the thread that I added one, and I do not need to correct it.

    @PIMD, the thread owner may ask you to leave, and you have to do so. It is not in rules of conduct, it is in Chat And Forum Behavior. Neither way, we both are neither wrong nor correct. Do not make a big issue, remember the last sentence. Make your own thread if you can't get over it.
  9. -If you are going to make an issue or a big fuss, or if you have no interest in this,-

  10. Yes that rule is in the forums section "rules of conduct"