Dear Soccer fail, You do not need a hubby, you want one. Well since you tell people to "gtfo and stfu" just because you disagree if everything we say, you ain't gettin' no hubby. I am already out of troll spray die to you and Bubass If you decide to do the "" face then you can go to hell Obviously you don't listen to anyone all you do is spam your own threads and the forums in general. You ma'am, are a fail Good day
I've had enough of this stupid "I need a hubby" or "I need a wifey". if you actually wanted someone then look to the real world! You don't rely on games to make a decision. they could be some 50 year old pedo that looks for tiny bobbers like you! *sigh* people these days
I DONT NEED A PIMD HUBBY OKAY!!!!???? THAT WAS MY SISTER WHO MADE THIS THREAD! Check out my other thread "Re:Color Text/Size Text"
sure wat eva... and no not looking at your other thread coz it's a repeat. I've seen it about a million times already