After Paaaaar-tay

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Nov 4, 2011.


    Be here when I'm back at 9...
  2. OMG! Anybody who knew Aziza2, well she just Fainted! I'm her brother! WHAT DO I DO NOW?! My mother isn't home and our power is down!
  3. WHAT?! from what? Wait, wet their face,and and... Put her somewhere so she's sitting up!
  4. WHY!

    I'm joking it's Aziza2 my brother never wrote that lmao! I never fainted ! I'm perfectly fine! I pulled a prank! WOOT!
    I SUCK.
  6. ._. Worst prank EVAR.
  7. I hope you die not faint
  8. Hey! If you have a death wish for my special guest you can leave
  9. Jim is very busy today
  10. Well... Jim needs to be here. Stripping drunk on my thread
  11. sakuri don't be mean to Azira2!!!! Luv yo faces
  12. Everyone is invited. Those were the special guests n
  13. n____n

    Let me be a special guest!

    :oops: how rude was I to say that? :lol:
  14. Not very. Now my party dead:p
  15. Of course it'll be a bad prank I did it through a game Think!