 Taco Bell 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TexasCrip, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. i heard taco bell pipes their meat from bags. im not sure how true that is, but still no.
  2. It comes frozen on a truck inside a bag. They pop the bag in a water boiler and boom. Meat.
  3. I trust brittany cause she’s worked there. gross.
  4. who actually thinks fast food is fresh? don’t act surprised.
  5. Jared from subway did ?
  6. ever heard of chipotle?
  7. Chipotle isn’t fast food or is it?
  8. i can be surprised if i wanna ?

  9. it's very true.... it's also not real ground beef either
  10. yes I have, that ain’t fresh either.
  11. I love meat from tubes ?
  12. Australia has Mad Mex instead ‍♂️
  13. Only a moron would think fast food is fresh.
  14. Legit only time I will agree with something you say