 Taco Bell 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TexasCrip, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. why not? is it bannable?
  2. Yeah I reported you for having feelings already it’s just a matter of time now
  3. wow. snitch ? u kno that snitches get stitches right? soon as i regen, its over for ur nfs.
  4. Give me nasty Wendy’s instead I’m hunger
  5. No. u can have taco bell instead just hit up op and he will deliver.
  6. Taco Bell is gross the bathrooms are rekddd
  7. too bad thats what ur getting. be grateful there are starving ppl in the world.
  8. Me. I’m a starving people in this world :!:
  9. But you’re privileged. so there.
  10. Wendys is good af. Triple baconator,large fry and large chocolate shake 
  11. Ask them if they want sauce and forget to put it in the bag. Tacos taste better if you place them on the ground and stomp on them. The black dots on the corners of the ice cubes are not mildew, they are flavor enhancers.

  12. pls tell me you don't use public restrooms ?
  13. i- what?
  14. sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen
  15. 
  16. no idea, but if i ask for a veggie bowl, don't put meat on it. thank you in advance.
  17. Lmao I like this guy.
  18. Throw all the meat on it
  19. I would rather almost anything else ever. Was just pointing out the fact ?
  20. Give me nachos for free
    And just be nice to the costumers, unless they hop the counter then you go off but when the managers not looking