Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *hottiebabe23 (01), Oct 9, 2011.

  1. Let's see: chloe gives me laughgasms

    Dubstep gives me eargasms

    And other things give me other 'gasms
  2. I give u megasms  and dont deny it lol ps da pedo bear gets eargasms over the theme song of barney

    Cyborg! <(=_•)> (and a tiger) hugs lol
  3. Unicondoms. Always use unicondoms.
  4. only unicorns use those and they work well thats y theres not many unicorns around (except the ones I raise)

    Cyborg! <(=_•)> (and a tiger) hugs lol
  5. Well I use them. o_O

    Does that mean the guy's a unicorn?
  6.  HYBRIDS
    a uniman!!
    The propecy was true we're DOOMED

    Cyborg! <(=_•)> (and a tiger) hugs lol
  7. Does that mean the kid's a unipony?

    -points to baby-

  8.  u had a baby?!? Ur not even a teenkids these days lol

    Cyborg! <(=_•)> (and a tiger) hugs lol
  9. Who said it's mine?! 
  10.  
  11. O good lol well it is i think lol the unicondoms dont always work

    Cyborg! <(=_•)> (and a tiger) hugs lol
  12. [​IMG]

    Seriously, lol what?

  13. Guys don't hate me they r lyrics to a song from pretty girls rock and I'm not saying I'm beautiful
  14. Chloe is she like in a pumpkin?

    Cyborg! <(=_•)> (and a tiger) hugs lol
  15. He's right

    Cyborg! <(=_•)> (and a tiger) hugs lol