Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by HEXIN, Feb 22, 2012.

  1.  So many requests! I will get on with it!

  2. Thread killer 
  3. Please check out loner
  4. I have. And I call it.
  5. I got dibs on the loner!
  6. Can you also check out The Sniper? It's a One Shot
  7. Hexin... 
  8.  I didn't mean to put that  face in! I swear! 
  9.  I killed this thread again. Anyway, who's updating next? 
  10. The phone and the stupid tv… PRICELESS 
  11. Do my One-Shot, Honor the Hero. 
  12. Can you check out my story at some point pleaseིIt's called 'Hunted'
  14. If you need help, I can help. 
  15.  Please do, Andi. You're still a staff anyway! YOU CAN UPDATE!
  16. I heard the word update. 
  17. 

    You! With the gadget! Yeah, you. You looking fiiine today.  Why? Cause you're reading this! 


    ^if you read all of that, you are awesome.

    Anywhooo. No one is updating (ehem) so I volunteered to. It's my finals tomorrow and it's 12AM but I felt the need to be hyper. Must've been that Chinese food I had for dinner.

    I like Chinese food. <3


    Let. Us. Start.



    by: -Magical_Unicorn-

    Mia Copter wakes up and finds herself in hospital. Her mind full of shock, she calls out to her parents, who tell her that they found her unconscious on the floor. Her mind reels back to the moment when she found a paper soaked in blood saying that she will die. Scared, she eats....a burrito.
    A poisoned burrito.

    Rate: 9.0

    I like the concept, and it's actually pretty good. My suggestion is to make it not so cliche and to add description! Let me BE Mia! Oh, and update! One update isn't enough! 



    By: BoardinSchoolGurl

    Jessy is that girl everyone makes fun off. 24/7, she's teased, laughed at, and basically, her life is miserable. Then she meets James, the mysterious bad boy of the school. She finds out that he is the leader of the most notorious drug dealers in the city! He offers to let her join, because he knows that no one will make fun of her anymore. She says no at first, but eventually, she gives in due to peer pressure. What happens next? You'll have to read to find out!

    Rate: 9.4

    Comment: It's amazing! I love everything about it! I thought it would just be a sappy love story, but it's really, truly good! Critique is to add punctuation and to give more description! I love the flow; it's awesome.



     FLASH! 

     Caught you there, didn't I?

    This new CameraShy allows you to take pictures quickly! Like the speed of light quickly!

    Interested buyer: NO! 
    Amazing saleswoman (me): YES!

    See someone really pretty and just wanna take a picture but don't want to seem like a complete idiot? CameraShy is for you!

    Doubtful Customer: How do I know if it's really that fast?
    Me: Did you see that?
    Doubtful Customer: See what?
    Me: Exactly. 

    They were both so amazed that they bought all out stock! Sorry folks! Next time! 


    This next story is a story I stumbled upon on. It's just a really good story. It's a one shot actually.

    Blow Me (One Last Kiss)

    By: Princess229

    There's this girl who has always been puppeted by her boyfriend. Her boyfriend doesn't like her to wear this, she can't. She has to do everything her boyfriend tells her, even if she hates it. She can't be herself. What does she do? Read it.

    Rate: 9.6

    Comment: I dunno with you...but I loved it. Just loved it. 



    So this break will be on a more personalized level.

    If I (or my fellow staff members) do not feature your story here, please don't feel insulted.

    Tips to get noticed:
    -Bump your story often. I read stories that I constantly see being bumped.
    -PM us. I really read and respond to my PMs, because often, I maybe won't see your story. So PMing will be good.
    -Post here. Post constantly, but not spamming. Just every once in a while, say it nicely.



    By: Eliza02

    I'm sorry but I can't even give a summary because it's sooo long. 200 plus pages of genius.

    It's a love story, basically. About Chelsea and Rick. <3

    Rate: 10.0

    Comment: First ten I have given out because I love this story so much. It's flawless. I've been a fan since the first few pages. Just. In. Love. <333


    BECAUSE I CAN, I'm advertising my own One-Shot.

    (PS, in another update, can one of the other staffers feature this? :3)

    READ HONOR THE HERO I worked really hard on it! Please and thank you!


    That was short. .-.
    It's 1:00AM now.
    And I have to wake up at 5:00.




    Brought to you by:


    I did this..alone.
    Forever alone.

    An Awkward Penguin Production ™
    A Fan Fiction News Production™

    (APP is my unofficial production. )
  18. Thanks!  I'm trying to overcome writers block