When you begin to play. The murderer will come and get you. Probably he's behind or beside you, now.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! yes! Jack and Rose seems to be such an interesting movie! Movie Trivia; DID YOU KNOW THAT THERE'S ONLY TWO LINES IN THW SCRIPT?! Guess what it is? JAAAACK! ROOOOSE!
It was fun filming the movie, only it's hard to work with people who act like kids on the set *cough* Rose... *cough*
Oh definitely Bigls! IT WAS LIKE A FREAKING 3 MONTH OLD KID- wait, they're smarter. UHM, THEY WERE LIKE A FUDGEE BARING 0.00000000001 second fetus kid. Doesn't make sense. But you get my point, right? Right? RIGHT.
Jack was eh... Hmmm.. Errmmmm. 50-50. He got us on The blockbuster! BOO YEAH! Rose... No second thoughts; KICK HER OUT! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ I no likey Rose. she held a billion dollar, so that's why we're only at number TWO! I CAN NOT BELIEVE TITANIC IS NUMBER ONE! I MEAN, SERIOUSLY?! THEY COPPIED THE JACK AND ROSE THINGY. Ooooh. Just for laugh.
Great idea! Rose is taken care of. TITANIC shall feel OUR wrath! They are copycats! We have to wim every award! I MEAN OUR MOVIE WAS PURE GENIUS! GENIUS!!!
I hid 2billion. Shhhh! Anyway, LET'S GET NAKEEEEEED! I'm hypeeeeeer. I love being hyper! But I have practice tomorrow. So NUUUUUUU! I still want to be hyper!