Whatever the point is about money and donations, panda has raised a very serious point. All girls should be checking those boobies and getting any worrying lumps or bumps checked out. Breast cancer death rates are going down because of awareness and treatments. Also, ensure you're up to date with your cervical smears. For the boys, grab those balls and learn what they feel like. Get your girl doing the same. If anything appears where it shouldn't get it checked. Testicular cancer affects all ages too. Google will give you all the symptoms and places to look in your country. If you're so immature that you have to make a silly comment then I'll assume you're 5 . And if I get silenced it's in a damn good cause so sod it.
I know many women that are battling breast cancer. It's a hard journey. I support this cause. Panda great Post. I LOVE BOOBIES SUPPORTED
I strongly support because breast cancer is a devastating epidemic that effect many men and women. I hope one day there will be a sound cure for breast cancer and all other cancers. during this month my signature will be pink in support _Warrior
Another great point casper, men need to check themselves as well. I've known several with testicular cancer. Know your body. Anything feels off, it's better to be safe than sorry. At least give your doctor a call and describe what's different, and see if they think you need to come in or not.
I support My sister was just diagnosed with cancer, so this thread hits closer to home than most. Please let me know how I can assist you in anyway. Bless those who are going through this struggle and those that have lost loved ones to this terrible disease.
TTT. I have a friend who has passed on cause of cancer, a teacher whose cancer is in remission, a close family friend I consider to be family having breast cancer. Please do support, it's for a noble cause.
My Mom And Grandma Are Going Through Breast Cancer Right NowMy Mom Has To Chemotherapy and RadiationThis Is really nice that you put this as a forum