Parties of the Day

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. TDH is on last bar of dumpster hoping to milk it until after the switch
  2. Synergy is checking no hand brakes
  3. Counter Culture no drops
  4. New potd isn't out yet
  5. Wild Hunt checking Counter culture
  6. Sorry ? I'm a newbie in this. I'm just gonna lurk the forum instead
  7. CCS checking Factory art
  8. Art starzzz at PC
  9. have about half a bar left - should be done right after the switch over
  10. Testing dumpster dive @ the - rejects
  11. Counter Culture no drops
  12. No drops from factory art
  13. Factory does NOT drop
  14. No drops from prank primer
  15. No drops from counter
  16. Prank primer is not dropping 
  17. Fake Art no drops. Just finished BTB
  18. Dumpster Dive no drops TDH