Spoiler: How does it work? Anyone who has a club willing/interested to test, they can comment to submit a party to test. Indeed, it’s a thread to report testing to find POTD/PPOTD. It is color-coded. For any questions on how it works, wall @GoddessHailey❣️The list of party to test is down below this same post. Cyberdorm 2138 Changeover occurs at 12pm PST || 2pm CST || 3pm EST || 8pm GMT || 4am SGT Here is a thread for time conversion if you're unsure about time. Key: Party drops max of your Main/Side Dog Star drops max of 700/180 Cat drops max of 500/100 Bikini drops max of 250/50 POTD drops max of 126/28 PPOTD drops max of 245/49 Key Party Of The Day Old Party Of The Day - NO LONGER DROPS Not Started Yet - CLUB WILL TEST Being Checked Not Party Of The Day Dog Star Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Frisbee Follies Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Art Starzzz Prank Primer Big In Japan Afternoon Delight Counter Culture Back Alley Debut Blue Plate Special Restless Keg Syndrome Wait-Listed Draw Manga! First World Problems Limo Luxury Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPS Restless Keg Syndrome (PRO) Hype Machine (PRO) Noodle Express (PRO) No Hand Brakes! (PRO) Limo Luxury (PRO) Counter Culture (PRO) Just Dance! (PRO) DIY Tattoo (PRO) Factory Art (PRO) Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO) Big in Japan (PRO) IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH! (PRO) Not Started Yet CLUB WILL TEST Being Checked Afternoon Delight (PRO) - MoB Anime Expo (PRO) - NM Blue Plate Special (PRO) - UN Cabana Cool (PRO) - JJS Cosplay Please (PRO) - MnK Draw Manga! (PRO) - NL Fake Art 101 (PRO) - HC Frisbee Follies (PRO) - CL Skyhigh Party (PRO) - WB Wait-Listed (PRO) - JD Not Dropping Parties Which Need To Be Checked All Roads Lead to Beer (PRO) Art Starzzz (PRO) Back Alley Debut (PRO) Dumpster Dive (PRO) Enjoi J-POP! (PRO) First World Problems (PRO) Fitspiration (PRO) No Hand Brakes! (PRO) Prank Primer (PRO)
Lol next time at least inform that you’re testing cuz we could’ve tested some other party and now we just wasted 4 hours 🤠
Spoiler: How does it work? Anyone who has a club willing/interested to test, they can comment to submit a party to test. Indeed, it’s a thread to report testing to find POTD/PPOTD. It is color-coded. For any questions on how it works, wall @GoddessHailey❣️The list of party to test is down below this same post. Cyberdorm 2138 Changeover occurs at 12pm PST || 2pm CST || 3pm EST || 8pm GMT || 4am SGT Here is a thread for time conversion if you're unsure about time. Key: Party drops max of your Main/Side Dog Star drops max of 700/180 Cat drops max of 500/100 Bikini drops max of 250/50 POTD drops max of 126/28 PPOTD drops max of 245/49 Key Party Of The Day Old Party Of The Day - NO LONGER DROPS Not Started Yet - CLUB WILL TEST Being Checked Not Party Of The Day Dog Star Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Frisbee Follies Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Art Starzzz Prank Primer Big In Japan Afternoon Delight Counter Culture Back Alley Debut Blue Plate Special Restless Keg Syndrome Wait-Listed Draw Manga! First World Problems Limo Luxury Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPS Restless Keg Syndrome (PRO) Hype Machine (PRO) Noodle Express (PRO) No Hand Brakes! (PRO) Limo Luxury (PRO) Counter Culture (PRO) Just Dance! (PRO) DIY Tattoo (PRO) Factory Art (PRO) Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO) Big in Japan (PRO) IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH! (PRO) Not Started Yet CLUB WILL TEST Being Checked Afternoon Delight (PRO) - MoB Blue Plate Special (PRO) - UN Cabana Cool (PRO) - JJS Enjoi J-POP! (PRO)-BM Frisbee Follies (PRO) - CL Not Dropping Anime Expo (PRO) - NM Cosplay Please (PRO) - MnK Draw Manga! (PRO) - NL Fake Art 101 (PRO) - HC Skyhigh Party (PRO) - WB Wait-Listed (PRO) - JD Parties Which Need To Be Checked All Roads Lead to Beer (PRO) Art Starzzz (PRO) Back Alley Debut (PRO) Dumpster Dive (PRO) First World Problems (PRO) Fitspiration (PRO) Prank Primer (PRO)
Spoiler: How does it work? Anyone who has a club willing/interested to test, they can comment to submit a party to test. Indeed, it’s a thread to report testing to find POTD/PPOTD. It is color-coded. For any questions on how it works, wall @GoddessHailey❣️The list of party to test is down below this same post. Cyberdorm 2138 Changeover occurs at 12pm PST || 2pm CST || 3pm EST || 8pm GMT || 4am SGT Here is a thread for time conversion if you're unsure about time. Key: Party drops max of your Main/Side Dog Star drops max of 700/180 Cat drops max of 500/100 Bikini drops max of 250/50 POTD drops max of 126/28 PPOTD drops max of 245/49 Key Party Of The Day Old Party Of The Day - NO LONGER DROPS Not Started Yet - CLUB WILL TEST Being Checked Not Party Of The Day Dog Star Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Frisbee Follies Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Art Starzzz Prank Primer Big In Japan Afternoon Delight Counter Culture Back Alley Debut Blue Plate Special Restless Keg Syndrome Wait-Listed Draw Manga! First World Problems Limo Luxury Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPS Restless Keg Syndrome (PRO) Hype Machine (PRO) Noodle Express (PRO) No Hand Brakes! (PRO) Limo Luxury (PRO) Counter Culture (PRO) Just Dance! (PRO) DIY Tattoo (PRO) Factory Art (PRO) Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO) Big in Japan (PRO) IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH! (PRO) Not Started Yet CLUB WILL TEST Being Checked All Roads Lead to Beer (PRO)-JD Back Alley Debut (PRO)-WB Dumpster Dive (PRO)-MoB Prank Primer (PRO)-MnK Not Dropping Afternoon Delight (PRO) - MoB Anime Expo (PRO) - NM Blue Plate Special (PRO) - UN Cabana Cool (PRO) - JJS Cosplay Please (PRO) - MnK Draw Manga! (PRO) - NL Enjoi J-POP! (PRO)-BM Fake Art 101 (PRO) - HC Frisbee Follies (PRO) - CL Skyhigh Party (PRO) - WB Wait-Listed (PRO) - JD Parties Which Need To Be Checked Art Starzzz (PRO) First World Problems (PRO) Fitspiration (PRO)
Spoiler: How does it work? Anyone who has a club willing/interested to test, they can comment to submit a party to test. Indeed, it’s a thread to report testing to find POTD/PPOTD. It is color-coded. For any questions on how it works, wall @GoddessHailey❣️The list of party to test is down below this same post. Cyberdorm 2138 Changeover occurs at 12pm PST || 2pm CST || 3pm EST || 8pm GMT || 4am SGT Here is a thread for time conversion if you're unsure about time. Key: Party drops max of your Main/Side Dog Star drops max of 700/180 Cat drops max of 500/100 Bikini drops max of 250/50 POTD drops max of 126/28 PPOTD drops max of 245/49 Key Party Of The Day Old Party Of The Day - NO LONGER DROPS Not Started Yet - CLUB WILL TEST Being Checked Not Party Of The Day Dog Star Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Frisbee Follies Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Art Starzzz Prank Primer Big In Japan Afternoon Delight Counter Culture Back Alley Debut Blue Plate Special Restless Keg Syndrome Wait-Listed Draw Manga! First World Problems Limo Luxury Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPS Restless Keg Syndrome (PRO) Hype Machine (PRO) Noodle Express (PRO) No Hand Brakes! (PRO) Limo Luxury (PRO) Counter Culture (PRO) Just Dance! (PRO) DIY Tattoo (PRO) Factory Art (PRO) Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO) Big in Japan (PRO) IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH! (PRO) Not Started Yet CLUB WILL TEST Being Checked Art Starzzz (PRO)-BM Dumpster Dive (PRO)-MoB Not Dropping Afternoon Delight (PRO) - MoB All Roads Lead to Beer (PRO)-JD Anime Expo (PRO) - NM Back Alley Debut (PRO)-WB Blue Plate Special (PRO) - UN Cabana Cool (PRO) - JJS Cosplay Please (PRO) - MnK Draw Manga! (PRO) - NL Enjoi J-POP! (PRO)-BM Fake Art 101 (PRO) - HC Frisbee Follies (PRO) - CL Prank Primer (PRO)-MnK Skyhigh Party (PRO) - WB Wait-Listed (PRO) - JD Parties Which Need To Be Checked First World Problems (PRO) Fitspiration (PRO)