Gotta Go Back In Time Changeover occurs at 20:00 GMT/12pm PST/2pm CST/3pm EST Here is a thread for time conversion if you're unsure about time zones! Key: Party drops max of your Main/Side Cat drops max of 500/100 Bikini drops max of 250/50 POTD drops max of 126/28 PPOTD drops max of 245/49 Key Party Of The Day Old Party Of The Day - NO LONGER DROPS Reserve - NOT STARTED YET/NEED TO BE CHECKED BY THE CLUB Being Checked Not Party Of The Day Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Just Dance! Fake Art 101 Draw Manga! Skyhigh Party Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPS Counter Culture (PRO) Hype Machine (PRO) Wait-Listed (PRO) Anime Expo (PRO) Reserve Being Checked Afternoon Delight - CR Arcade (Mis) fire- Rev Art Starzzz - BO Blue Plate Special - SS Cosplay Please - BB Dumpster Dive - Syn/RE Frisbee Follies -Orb/DD Fitspiration - ASS Hype Machine - NS IT’S BROSTEP, BRAH ! - AP Limo Luxury - Redemption No Hand Brakes! - PMW Noodle Express - SR Arcade (Mis) fire (PRO) - HC Back Alley Debut (PRO) -DRU Cosplay Please (PRO) - MnK Draw Manga! (PRO) - CL DIY Tattoo (PRO) - PoP Dumpster Dive (PRO) - Holo Factory Art (PRO) - MoB Fake Art 101 (PRO) - UN First World Problems (PRO) - JJS Just Dance! (PRO) - JD Limo Luxury (PRO) - TFA Noodle Express (PRO) - NL Skyhigh Party (PRO) - WB Not Dropping All Roads Lead To Beer - DYNASTY Back Alley Debut - Redemption Counter Culture -CCP/KoH DIY Tattoo - DTF/TEP Factory Art - HLC First World Problems - RBP/Moobs Restless Keg Syndrome - SWV/PRIDE Prank Primer - HHQ Parties Which Need To Be Checked Anime Expo Big In Japan Cabana Cool Enjoi J-POP! Wait-Listed Afternoon Delight (PRO) Art Starzzz (PRO) Big In Japan (PRO) Blue Plate Special (PRO) Cabana Cool (PRO) Enjoi J-POP! (PRO) No Hand Brakes! (PRO)
JULY 25 - PARENTHESIS - THANK YOU I pertinently know this is out of context and many would disagree I post it here, but since it the only way I can think to reach the right audience because they are all implicated in this thread. I’ll just go for it and whatever the outcomes write on my wall. I also know many won’t see it and I don’t mind. I believe, it’s appropriate to everyone who contribute in this thread and who deserve to know. I respect all point of views whether you ask me daily what’s POTD on my wall or on the thread when the update it’s just above your posts and some who daily help me respond to these players or whoever see how parties should be tested double test or reserve or never read the update post or the comments (like this one 😂) and would just post “What’s POTD and the name of the party they are testing” or whatever complaints were made in the past or in the future. It shapes every day this thread and display its diversity of players who use the thread daily and I would be forever grateful for all the experiences (daily). Every day, people read this thread and it’s still proven to be successful 😁 Five years ago Jerk, an ancient member who created this thread, brought a community together to find the regular party and the pro party every day. We all brought our styles and step up to make this thread evolves and even to simplify it. Updaters such as Quality, Ayrshi, Day, Spider-Girl, Ch, Muschi and I’m probably missing much more! Thanks to @Ch and @Ayrshi for showing me the rope of the thread. Thanks to the crew on the sidelines so all the members who participated with their club to test the parties daily , those who post daily about testing the party, those who shout it to Pub and Campus, those clubs old and new who are testing (some since the beginning of this thread) & even those who help reply to this thread when some drama/weird questions are ask 😊 Thanks for being awesome! Thanks for being part of the behind-scene of the POTD Thread in all those 5 years. I only have been on this thread daily for a few months and I hope to continue this journey with you someway! P.S.: Naming all the clubs would be hard to give everyone an attention. I’m quite aware it will be displeasing a few from the reply(replies) it may generate, but I’m also daily writing in between all the posts all the parties so don’t worry; I’ll do my best like you. I thank you for your patience ❣️
Gotta Go Back In Time Changeover occurs at 20:00 GMT/12pm PST/2pm CST/3pm EST Here is a thread for time conversion if you're unsure about time zones! Key: Party drops max of your Main/Side Cat drops max of 500/100 Bikini drops max of 250/50 POTD drops max of 126/28 PPOTD drops max of 245/49 Key Party Of The Day Old Party Of The Day - NO LONGER DROPS Reserve - NOT STARTED YET/NEED TO BE CHECKED BY THE CLUB Being Checked Not Party Of The Day Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Art Starzzz Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Just Dance! Fake Art 101 Draw Manga! Skyhigh Party Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPS Counter Culture (PRO) Hype Machine (PRO) Wait-Listed (PRO) Anime Expo (PRO) Reserve Being Checked Arcade (Mis) fire (PRO) - HC Back Alley Debut (PRO) -DRU Cosplay Please (PRO) - MnK Draw Manga! (PRO) - CL DIY Tattoo (PRO) - PoP Dumpster Dive (PRO) - Holo Factory Art (PRO) - MoB Fake Art 101 (PRO) - UN First World Problems (PRO) - JJS Just Dance! (PRO) - JD Limo Luxury (PRO) - TFA Noodle Express (PRO) - NL Skyhigh Party (PRO) - WB Not Dropping[/CENTER Parties Which Need To Be Checked Afternoon Delight (PRO) Art Starzzz (PRO) Big In Japan (PRO) Blue Plate Special (PRO) Cabana Cool (PRO) Enjoi J-POP! (PRO) No Hand Brakes! (PRO)