Parties of the Day

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. DIY didnt drop @ BP
  2. DIY Not Dropping
  3. Factory Art @ CSWU
  4. AS checking noodle express
  5. Prank primer didnt drop
  6. RQK will be testing BPS after party.
  7. Oop, nvm. A club already is testing it
  8. Counter culture didn’t drop at MHC
    Druumi likes this.
  9. Draw Manga at EmoNite
  10. RKQ will be testing DD
  11. Blue Plate Special did NOT drop at LGBTQ Mistfitz
  12. HC testing Anime Expo
  13. F&F testing Wait Listed 😊
  14. All roads didnt drop @TwicedTrashed
  15. It didnt drop
  16. No Drops from NHB
  17. Chill Vibes 3000 doing Dumpster Dive
  18. RKS no drops @SAD
  19. No drops 🤷🏼‍♀️
    Phenomenall likes this.