Can we add maxish drops to the list because some of these seem to drop almost nothing while others drop okay.
Let's remember there are more days than parties with every group having one POTD. So repeats are going to happen Art Skool: fake art 101: redemption Bro Code: Frisbee follies: the cliquey VIP: just dance: synergy Otaku: cosplay: alpha and omga Hipster: counter culture: TG Art Skool PRO:UNKNOWN VIP PRO:Skyhigh:Excelsior Otaku PRO: Draw Manga:lunatix Hipster PRO: UNKNOWN
Let's remember there are more days than parties with every group having one POTD. So repeats are going to happen. Party switch happens in about an hour! Art Skool: unknown Fake Art 101: tntm DIY Tattoo: Factory Art: Art Starzzz: Hype Machine: Back Alley Debut: Bro Code: unknown Prank Primer: Frisbee Follies: ARLTB: VLV checking RKS: Brostep: Fitspiration: VIP: unknown Afternoon Delight: Cabana Cool: Waitlisted: Just Dance: Limo Luxury: Skyhigh: Otaku: unknown Draw Manga: Noodle Express: Enjoy Jpop: Cosplay Please: Anime Expo: Big In Japan: Hipster: unknown Counter Culture: Dumpster Dive: PCP Checking NHB: BPS: Arcade Misfire: FWP: Art Skool PRO: unknown Fake Art 101: DIY Tattoo: Factory Art: Art Starzzz: Hype Machine: Back Alley Debut: VIP PRO: unknown Afternoon Delight: Cabana Cool: Waitlisted: Just Dance: Limo Luxury: Skyhigh: Otaku PRO: unknown Draw Manga: Noodle Express: Enjoy Jpop: Cosplay Please: Anime Expo: Big In Japan: Hipster PRO: unknown Counter Culture: vlv outcasts Dumpster Dive: NHB: BPS: Arcade Misfire: FWP:
Let's remember there are more days than parties with every group having one POTD. So repeats are going to happen. Party switch happens in about 15 minutes! Art Skool: unknown Fake Art 101: tntm DIY Tattoo: Factory Art: Art Starzzz: Hype Machine: Back Alley Debut: Bro Code: unknown Prank Primer: cult classics Frisbee Follies: ARLTB: VLV checking RKS: Brostep: Fitspiration: PHS VIP: unknown Afternoon Delight: Cabana Cool: Waitlisted: Just Dance: Limo Luxury: Skyhigh: Otaku: unknown Draw Manga: Noodle Express: Enjoy Jpop: Cosplay Please: Anime Expo: Big In Japan: Hipster: unknown Counter Culture: Dumpster Dive: PCP Checking NHB: BPS: Arcade Misfire: FWP: Art Skool PRO: unknown Fake Art 101: DIY Tattoo: Factory Art: Art Starzzz: Hype Machine: Back Alley Debut: VIP PRO: unknown Afternoon Delight: Cabana Cool: Waitlisted: Just Dance: Limo Luxury: Skyhigh: Otaku PRO: unknown Draw Manga: Noodle Express: Enjoy Jpop: Cosplay Please: Anime Expo: Big In Japan: Hipster PRO: unknown Counter Culture: vlv outcasts Dumpster Dive: NHB: BPS: Arcade Misfire: FWP: