Party switch has occurred POTD Hunt List Here is a party tracker so we can find party of the day Key Old Party Of The Day-NO LONGER DROPS Not Party Of The Day Party Of The Day Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Noodle Express: _-_F34R_-_ Afternoon Delight: Intoxicated HellRaisers DIY Tattoo: Project Mayhem Factory Art: Brothers Ladies Counter Culture: Cash Out Dumpster Dive: Project Mayhem Draw Manga: TheOrderOfThePhoenix First World Problems: YFC Fake Art 101:MCM Cosplay Please: Young Farts Club IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH!: Lucky Ducklings Skyhigh Party: PapiChulo's Crazy Place Blue Plate Special: Cupcake Spot Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Arcade (Mis)fire: Lucky Seven Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPPING PRO 10/16 Unknown Back Alley Debut (PRO): Clandestine Lab Draw Manga (PRO): Clandestine Lab Enjoi J-POP (PRO): Just Desires DIY Tattoo (PRO): -Matrix- No Hand Breaks! (PRO): Clandestine Lab Dumpster Dive (PRO): Little Seven Limo Luxury (PRO): Tha School Keepers Just Dance! (PRO): Blackest Night Fake Art 101 (PRO) Art Starzzz (PRO): Tha School Keepers No Hand Breaks! (PRO): Mobsters (repeat PPOTD) Hype Machine (PRO): Excelsior Factory Art (PRO): Mobsters Being Checked Arcade (Mis)fire: Lucky Seven Afternoon Delight (PRO): TSK Anime Expo (PRO): Jejune Blue Plate Special (PRO): CL Cabana Cool (PRO): Matrix Skyhigh Party (PRO): Royale First World Problems (PRO): Excelsior Wait-Listed (PRO): Elites Art Starzz Pro (Recheck): Mobsters Noodle Express (PRO): WTC Big In Japan (PRO): IT Counter Culture (PRO): L7 Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO): Tributes Parties Which Needs To Be Checked Arcade (Mis)fire: Lucky Seven Cosplay Please (PRO)
We need more clubs to test the parties especially pro please help us fight our cause against greedy money hungry A Thinking Ape
POTD Hunt List Here is a party tracker so we can find party of the day Key Old Party Of The Day-NO LONGER DROPS Not Party Of The Day Party Of The Day Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Fake Art 101: Poison Apples Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPPING Being Checked Fake Art 101: Poison Apples Draw Manga (PRO): Cliquey Skyhigh Party (PRO): CL Blue Plate Special (PRO): elites Counter Culture (PRO): TSK Parties Which Needs To Be Checked Fake Art 101: Poison Apples Afternoon Delight (PRO) Anime Expo (PRO) Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO) Art Starzzz (PRO) Back Alley Debut (PRO) Big In Japan (PRO) Cabana Cool (PRO) Cosplay Please (PRO) DIY Tattoo (PRO) Dumpster Dive (PRO) Enjoi J-POP (PRO) Factory Art (PRO) Fake Art 101 (PRO) First World Problems (PRO) Hype Machine (PRO) Just Dance! (PRO) Limo Luxury (PRO) No Hand Breaks! (PRO) Noodle Express (PRO) Wait-Listed (PRO)
Pro yet to be tested: Afternoon Delight (PRO) Arcade (Mis)fire (pro) Art Starzzz (pro) Big In Japan (PRO) Blue Plate Special (PRO) Cabana Cool (PRO) DIY Tattoo (pro) Factory Art (PRO) First World Problems (pro) Hype Machine (PRO) Limo Luxury (PRO) No hand brakes (pro) Waitlisted (PRO) Any clubs that kindhearted please help. 13 parties left to test