POTD Hunt List Here is a party tracker so we can find party of the day Key Old Party Of The Day-NO LONGER DROPS Not Party Of The Day Party Of The Day Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Noodle Express: _-_F34R_-_ Afternoon Delight: Intoxicated HellRaisers DIY Tattoo: Project Mayhem Factory Art: Brothers Ladies Counter Culture: Cash Out Dumpster Dive: Project Mayhem Draw Manga: TheOrderOfThePhoenix First World Problems: YFC Fake Art 101: MCM IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH!: -Lucky Ducklings Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Cosplay Please: young farts' home Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPPING PRO 10/16 Unknown Back Alley Debut (PRO): Clandestine Lab Draw Manga (PRO): Clandestine Lab Enjoi J-POP (PRO): Just Desires DIY Tattoo (PRO): -Matrix- No Hand Breaks! (PRO): Clandestine Lab Dumpster Dive (PRO): Little Seven Limo Luxury (PRO): Tha School Keepers Just Dance! (PRO): Blackest Night Fake Art 101 (PRO): Blackest Night Afternoon Delight (PRO): Matrix Big in Japan (PRO): IT Cosplay Please (PRO): BN Hype Machine (PRO): Just Desires Counter Culture (PRO): Excelsior Wait-Listed (PRO): WTC Cabana Cool (PRO): TSK Sky High Party (PRO): Elites Noodle Express (PRO): CL Anime Expo (PRO): L7 First World Problems (PRO): CL Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO): Tributes Factory Art (PRO): L7 Blue Plate Special (PRO): Excelsior Being Checked Cosplay Please: young farts' home Art Starzzz (PRO): TSK Parties Which Needs To Be Checked [*]Cosplay Please: young farts' home
Pcp is going to run sky high next, takes us over 3 hours to complete so should be done after the switch over
-Lucky Ducklings should be running Cabana Cool after this party. Will update if plans change on that.
New POTD / PPOTD does NOT start until 12 PM NOON PDT / 2 PM Central / 3 PM Eastern time. That is 1 hour and 36 minutes from now. POTD Hunt List Here is a party tracker so we can find party of the day Key Old Party Of The Day-NO LONGER DROPS Not Party Of The Day Party Of The Day Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Noodle Express: _-_F34R_-_ Afternoon Delight: Intoxicated HellRaisers DIY Tattoo: Project Mayhem Factory Art: Brothers Ladies Counter Culture: Cash Out Dumpster Dive: Project Mayhem Draw Manga: TheOrderOfThePhoenix First World Problems: YFC Fake Art 101:MCM IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH!: -Lucky Ducklings Cosplay Please: young farts' home Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPPING PRO 10/16 Unknown Back Alley Debut (PRO): Clandestine Lab Draw Manga (PRO): Clandestine Lab Enjoi J-POP (PRO): Just Desires DIY Tattoo (PRO): -Matrix- No Hand Breaks! (PRO): Clandestine Lab Dumpster Dive (PRO): Little Seven Limo Luxury (PRO): Tha School Keepers Just Dance! (PRO): Blackest Night Fake Art 101 (PRO): Blackest Night Art Starzzz (PRO): TSK Being Checked Sky High Party: PCP Restless Keg Syndrome: VLV No Hand Brakes!: Life's Lemons Parties Which Needs To Be Checked [*]Blue Plate Special[*]Cabana Cool[*]Arcade (Mis)fire[*]Art Starzzz[*]Hype Machine[*]Back Alley Debut[*]Prank Primer [*]Frisbee Follies[*]All Roads Lead to Beer[*]Fitspiration[*]Wait-Listed[*]Just Dance![*]Limo Luxury[*]Enjoi J-Pop[*]Anime Expo[*] Big in Japan [*]Counter Culture (PRO)[*]Blue Plate Special(PRO)[*]Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO)[*]First World Problems (PRO)[*]Factory Art (PRO)[*]Hype Machine (PRO)[*]Afternoon Delight (PRO)[*]Cabana Cool (PRO)[*]Wait-Listed (PRO)[*]Skyhigh Party (PRO)[*]Noodle Express (PRO)[*]Cosplay Please (PRO)[*]Anime Expo (PRO)[*] Big in Japan (PRO)
New POTD / PPOTD does NOT start until 12 PM NOON PDT / 2 PM Central / 3 PM Eastern time. That is 1 hour and 23 minutes from now. POTD Hunt List Here is a party tracker so we can find party of the day Key Old Party Of The Day-NO LONGER DROPS Not Party Of The Day Party Of The Day Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Noodle Express: _-_F34R_-_ Afternoon Delight: Intoxicated HellRaisers DIY Tattoo: Project Mayhem Factory Art: Brothers Ladies Counter Culture: Cash Out Dumpster Dive: Project Mayhem Draw Manga: TheOrderOfThePhoenix First World Problems: YFC Fake Art 101:MCM IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH!: -Lucky Ducklings Cosplay Please: young farts' home Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPPING PRO 10/16 Unknown Back Alley Debut (PRO): Clandestine Lab Draw Manga (PRO): Clandestine Lab Enjoi J-POP (PRO): Just Desires DIY Tattoo (PRO): -Matrix- No Hand Breaks! (PRO): Clandestine Lab Dumpster Dive (PRO): Little Seven Limo Luxury (PRO): Tha School Keepers Just Dance! (PRO): Blackest Night Fake Art 101 (PRO): Blackest Night Art Starzzz (PRO): TSK Being Checked Sky High Party: PCP Restless Keg Syndrome: VLV No Hand Brakes!: Life's Lemons Just Dance!: Penthouse Parties Which Needs To Be Checked [*]Blue Plate Special[*]Cabana Cool[*]Arcade (Mis)fire[*]Art Starzzz[*]Hype Machine[*]Back Alley Debut[*]Prank Primer [*]Frisbee Follies[*]All Roads Lead to Beer[*]Fitspiration[*]Wait-Listed[*]Limo Luxury[*]Enjoi J-Pop[*]Anime Expo[*] Big in Japan [*]Counter Culture (PRO)[*]Blue Plate Special(PRO)[*]Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO)[*]First World Problems (PRO)[*]Factory Art (PRO)[*]Hype Machine (PRO)[*]Afternoon Delight (PRO)[*]Cabana Cool (PRO)[*]Wait-Listed (PRO)[*]Skyhigh Party (PRO)[*]Noodle Express (PRO)[*]Cosplay Please (PRO)[*]Anime Expo (PRO)[*] Big in Japan (PRO)