Parties of the Day

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Arcade misfire is not the potd
  2. Draw magna not the potd
  3. Blue plate special isn't the potd
  4. First world problems is not the potd.
  5. Enjoy j-pop is not the potd.
  6. Its not fake art 101, art starzzz or factory art today
  7. Sky high pro is ppotd
  8. Shalom is doing fitspi
  9. doing bostep here
  10. All roads lead to beer, is not potd.

  11. For the Quokkachella Hunt?POTD's Are:

    POTD is It's Brostep, Brah!
    (Thank you The Cypher Reborn Club)
    PPOTD is Skyhigh Party PRO!
    (Thank you BLACKEST NIGHT Club)
  12. ?reset for today's party
  13. Not prank primer ??
  14. Not Dumpster Dive. ?
  15. Its not back alley
  16. Not afternoon delight
  17. It drops 31 but isn't POTD all old POTDs are dropping 31 (max) :)
  18. Oh I didn't know that. Thank you