Parties of the Day

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. FA101 being checked at Super Pros
  2. We finished before potd change!!! Again checking frisbee follies!!???
  3. Lil Cult Classics checking Noodle express
  4. CCS checking PP
  5. Corrupted Ass checking Waitlisted PRO
  6. Factory Art no drops checked by Cash Out 2.0
  7. Counter culture doesn't drop
  8. SOI Checking Enjoi J-POP
  9. No drop on counter couture CCP
  10. Fake Art 101 does NOT drop -WDW
  11. Arcade (Mis)Fire no drop - LF
  12. Vicious-N-Delicious checking BPS
  13. No drops on blue plate
  14. Was already being checked and it didn't drop
  15. Prank Primer Doesn't Drop
    CONFORMED AT- Katro Fans
  16. -L'amour Family- will check Just Dance.
  17. Can someone update what's being tested please.
  18. Fabled Hearts checking draw manga
  19. Ignore that members want cat