
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RoseRENAMED, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Whens my birthday gonna get added lol

    June 18
  2. She hasn't updated this in years...

  3. Then i must be late lol
  4. March 9th
  5. September 14th
  6. you hate me ? September, 1999999999
  7. April 19th ️

  8. Birthdays!

    Post below your birthdays (month and day), every 5 or so pages I
    will get the thread updated so that it shows your birthday on it.

    This way, no one will forget your birthday and you can see who else shares
    the same birthdate!

    1st - _-Abhi_JusTDesire_MyNinja-_
    2nd - gwennnn
    3rd - -WB-MrsHicks
    3rd - takaveng
    5th - lXxl_ROTE_mandybear_lXxl
    7th - Luis0_0
    7th - -_EniGmaTic_AlpHa_-
    7th - -MockingBird-
    8th - iZowie_WannaBuildASnowman
    8th - IT_-Xx-Jennickles-xX-_
    11th - MissCarmel
    11th - Blue-leaf
    12th - Eagle
    12th - CarleyXCX
    12th - -StrawberrAmy-
    12th - KnK_iFishieWillSchoolYou
    12th - -00-AlyDaGem-00-
    13th - Quimey
    15th - --ketan
    17th - Toucan--
    18th - -iAshlieeStripForHypnocats-
    18th - Forums
    19th - -WB-Korrupt_Savage
    20th - _iSpicyMakeWilliesGobDrop
    20th - -Doctor-Who-
    25th - G18
    27th - Karina-The-One-And-Only
    28th - CyanBlaze
    29th - JeremyAtambo
    29th - Pr0m1s3
    29th - Jiggy
    30th - Kismet--
    1st - -_-DOG
    2nd - iAngel_TheFirst-OnYourWishList
    3rd - Rehab_MrWinter
    3rd - RowdyRuffBoyBrick
    6th - AshwTheMaleBodyInspector
    8th - Justin_credible
    8th - oMarKins
    9th - xHuntress
    12th - dakota233
    13th - Jerk
    13th - iXimenaWillLoveYou
    15th - BonBonxx
    15th - SIimShady
    15th - Nymphadora_x
    16th - BarneyStinson
    16th - iBeyonceWokeUpLikeThis
    16th - jane_voltury
    19th - DUH-SamiSweetheart
    20th - IlllIIlSuperMandiIlllIIl
    20th - BoS7Reboot-Foot
    22nd - InSaNe-ElizabethSwann
    23rd - SirFawkesOfNeverland
    24th - iKariAmTheDramaLlama
    25th - ViTaL_Guardian
    26th - SHREY
    26th - I-Am-One-SIN-SWEET-Cookie
    28th - HeStuffsMyTaco
    29th - ThatAussieGuyMush
    1st - TheCrash
    2nd - Casey-_-
    3rd - iMousyNibbleCandy
    4th - Prediction
    5th - LittleMissTwee
    5th - Nubbyyy-Ness
    5th - iSophia_GoesWild4LilysPeaches
    5th - AshwTheMaleBodyInspector
    6th - BigBadWolf
    6th - RichieJr
    6th - DUH-EnergizerBunny
    7th - --enigma--
    7th - iStarlordMakesHerThighsTremble
    8th - MYS_Krissy_TIC
    10th - iGeorgiaStripForMyPupil
    10th - Awesome
    11th - 00_Sommy
    11th - TwistedLife
    12th - AresGodOfWar
    13th - MissRp
    14th - Yohan_Xander
    15th - -P_M-Juss_Cakes
    15th - iCatwoman
    16th - -DOiLookLIKEiCare-
    17th - WonderWoman
    17th - RS_MoonyLovesHisSnowflake
    18th - RobinScherbatsky
    19th - -Chippy-
    20th - HisEngine
    24th - -SakuraHime-
    24th - iKitty_KissThePastGoodbye-
    26th - 00_AtomicBabyRuth
    26th - -GoA-iCirCEE_TheMagicalWitch-
    26th - -PA_Kilos-
    26th - Blueberry
    27th - GKZ_Bootiversity
    29th - GryffindorGirl
    30th - anon4457
    30th - buw
    1st - iCraveTheVitaminD
    1st - CaseyOwens_
    3rd - AriesGoddess
    6th - Infinity-
    7th - -_Jmitch_-
    9th - -SIN-SWEET-iAussie_Angel-
    10th - Zaccyy
    10th - Brandondwayne
    10th - Teddy
    11th - JavaChip
    12th - -SIN-Jakester
    12th - SIN-SWEET-lyYourTemptation
    12th - Sweet_dragon_strikes_back
    18th - DUH-iDylanSpankBunny
    18th - -HelloKitty
    19th - Missashley_g
    20th - zexiii_
    23rd - -OS-SKYEFOX-LEGEND-
    28th - OCrystal
    29th - Krstn98
    30th - boobookiti
    30th - _Kaleidoscopic_
    1st - Quicky
    2nd - -_-Bee-_-
    2nd - Brittany
    3rd - Brahim-101
    4th - i_ColbyAmChassysGod
    7th - KnK-TweakingWithPervs
    8th - CuddlyTeddyBear
    9th - -_-iAmberLovesBubs-_-
    10th - SVG-TheFaLLenRajMShah-
    10th - IIl--BLaZe-tHe--lnFlniTe-IlI
    12th - MrClaus
    12th - Lil_Minette
    17th - Sunny
    19th - Vin_urs
    20th - iLoveMyWomenInPampers
    21st - Bear
    21st - HyourinmaruTheIcePrince
    22nd - PumpkinSpice-_-
    24th - MII_3CookieMONSTER0_IIL
    28th - lIlIllI1Athena1IllIlIl
    29th - -e-Fire-PandazGoRAWR
    29th - IceCream
    1st - rabbits01
    2nd - Matt
    2nd - -GBS-IAmbyAmFrancesLady
    2nd - Esmeralda
    4th - siwz
    4th - -_A_-Hustle-N-Flow
    6th - IllIIlllIIlShadowIlIllIllllIlI
    6th - Coyote
    5th - fhdvhdf
    7th - -Neny-
    9th - ZooWap
    10th - Halsey
    12th - iSherlynLovesEisuke
    14th - 0xycontin
    16th - VodkaVinny
    17th - PIayboy
    17th - Dino_Liz
    18th - DoughnutHead
    20th - -NOC-
    20th - CL-Supreme_BUNNEH-
    21st - -CareBear_Crystal-Sparrow-
    22nd - ---J--u--u--b--i---
    24th - J3SS_
    24th - msharmony24
    24th - Bluntwiches
    26th - iKalMakesHimEatItLikeGroceries
    27th - L7-PseudonymousFrenchfry-L7
    28th - JosephineTheodora
    29th - VT-iLinaTheNoobiestNoobYouKnow
    29th - AnkylosaurusMagniventris
    30th - mvp0029
    1st - iBrittLeaveYouBreathless
    2nd - Chavez160
    2nd - -e-Charm_The_DarkQueen-
    4th - LovelyMary
    4th - Ryan_is_the_BIG1
    5th - Mofyy
    6th - I-Eat_Pie
    8th - iAliAmYourHotLittleFireCracker
    9th - Eminem
    11th - iFoxxRaineTortureVice
    12th - -Mars-Pi-
    13th - iBasich-StealDarsCocoPuffs
    13th - Avikarz
    14th - -DeadlySpankingAngel-
    18th - -J3nni-
    18th - -iZack_LoveTori_5Ever-
    19th - Nicktoey
    20th - Webby
    21st - Rosa_Sadan78
    21st - amour_jayda
    23rd - -OG-iKatie_The-Sexy_Psycho
    25th - -SparkleJumpRopeQueen-
    28th - iSilentRose-_-F34R-_-MyThorns
    28th - Mal--
    29th - Horizons
    29th - -PA_TheLittleLionWhoRoars
    29th - -AD_C4_Is_The_Bomb_
    30th - iMaddieHoldTheLock
    30th - iRedAmARebelPenguin
    3rd - II-SpiNning-iN_tH3--SILENCE-II
    4th - -WB-ElleSoGorgeous-
    6th - Always_Creepin-N-Peepin
    10th - neutronstar_1996
    12th - SamK03
    13th - -KING_ALIEN-
    17th - __adam_f
    17th - Marija_xo
    17th - -Christie-
    18th - M4GN1F1C3NT-MRS_D3CKEM
    19th - -BlG_Savage-
    20th - ChickeNuggets
    21st - AliJoness
    22nd - -Da_Duckie-
    27th - PAIN
    27th - Degenerate
    28th - ---V_RuneOfFlame---
    28th - RandomDude999
    29th - sup_
    29th - Satan
    31st - Rude
    1st - Sky-DUH-HersheyKiss
    1st - Catgod254
    3rd - CalvinHarris
    3rd - SharpKiller
    4th - Moyonopoly
    5th - periwinkle123
    6th - BrandiNichole
    6th - J
    8th - GhettoRican
    10th - -MG-Raver_Rabbit-
    10th - Nosquib
    11th - cUpCaKeKiLLeR
    11th - Stella_Counts_the_Stars-
    13th - r1ssa
    14th - iRicecakesFalconPunchUrMother
    15th - Sweet_love_smoochez
    15th - jenil12
    15th - -JULIETTETELA-
    17th - iBubblesJustSmurfedYourSock
    18th - iKB
    19th - iJohnnyDepp
    19th - -_F34R_-JenJemTheWildKinky1-
    21st - GranniePanties
    22nd - afif-_-
    22nd - --gabby_love--
    23rd - -_A_-ObnoxiousCholo
    25th - -ForrestGump-
    25th - Ephemere
    27th - BoS7Reboot-Legwarmers
    27th - Punisher888
    28th - LintInMyMints
    28th - nubget
    29th - -Fronzilla
    30th - Jades_cute_puppy_wolfie
    1st - -Tesla-
    1st - OuttaNoWhere
    2nd - Goku
    2nd - __MELA__
    2nd - Saber04
    3rd - -iAmThe-EViL-Mr_Piggy-
    3rd - iChanelWillLickUrFace4KitKat
    6th - Indecisive
    6th - VT-RST_RedHotFireBall
    7th - FishyFishaaay
    8th - -I-LadyDynamiteBringsTheBoom-
    8th - xZombieCandyx
    10th - -_Her_Rey
    10th - -I-Will_Steal_Your_Bacon-
    10th - iKevinMakeOutWithYouInBed
    11th - single007
    12th - EVAN1334
    12th - WanVilder
    14th - -OS-MissSweetThangg_LEGEND-
    16th - DimpleFace01
    17th - Mickelodeon
    18th - Rhino
    18th - GCampos11018
    18th - lllll-_-iLoafStalkBren-_-lllll
    20th - Psyduck
    20th - dragonair
    21st - I-KaneSpanksLlamas
    21st - -Ahli-LovesMike
    21st - MaXi--miLLioNz
    21st - IBunnyTwerkForCookies
    21st - raradiwi
    21st - Tease
    24th - --CottonCandy--
    27th - emberlynne
    28th - Dinoroars
    29th - PeterPan
    31st - Bully
    2nd - SavyStarrlight
    4th - Yin
    4th - MrsPerez
    6th - Middy
    8th - TheGreat_lady-rainbow
    8th - LuScIoUs_LadyRainbow_MadnMagic
    11th - floeme
    12th - noWiFi
    13th - Meagan
    16th - Mouse
    17th - -_A_-Stormy
    18th - -Vienna-
    21st - ReidWolfe
    21st - Lina
    23rd - JelloBooty
    25th - sweet-mishti
    26th - Ariadne_TheFallenAngel
    27th - -Tulip
    28th - ---V_iRheannaLoveToSmile---
    1st - --_-_-BAD-Mr_Spank-_-__-
    1st - SS_Draconis_SS
    2nd - Redemption-
    5th - -Charizard-
    6th - BridgetB00
    7th - -Just-Desire-SherriBaby-
    8th - prettyfro
    8th - MrsClaus
    9th - Kitty
    10th - candace141310000
    11th - iJoslyn_JustWant2TpuchThaLlama
    11th - Zalgo
    12th - ILynnMakeYouMeltInside
    14th - -L0LiP0P-
    15th - JS--II___Mr-Smile___II--
    16th - -_-_-xkittyx_-_-_
    17th - Hozier
    17th - M83
    17th - L7-queen-of-love
    17th - Clear-Tiger
    17th - I_AJ-_-F34R-_-MyFans_Ooo
    18th - JustinBieber
    18th - JamesDoakes
    19th - Respect_All_Fear_None
    20th - MrVice
    20th - Sammi
    20th - -SIN-SWEET-JADE
    20th - inactive-person
    22nd - -DevDev
    22nd - R--SEANNE-TheMeanNurse--R
    23rd - -_IO_-ROMEO-_
    24th - KiCk007HatesHoney
    25th - -_A_-Christian
    25th - -EP-Forever_Brendon
    25th - R--N1GHTM4R3_TheDivision
    25th - dehawk
    25th - Shellyshells
    26th - Papaw_Sudo
    27th - -__yashgupta__-
    27th - Beautiful_Mess_
    29th - Tristan_Monster
    29th - -Sweetest_Smiggles-
    31st - -OG-AlphaxWolf

    We can wish you a

    Big thanks to my bebe, 'Pincushion', Ahli, Support and Blunty for
    doing updates. Also Crystal for helping me with links. 

  9. Re: Birthdays

    AUG 28
  10. Happy birthday
  11. February 8th
  12. August the 16th proud leeeeeeooooo
  13. October 1st ?
  14. August 15th <3