Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BadAssPri, Feb 29, 2012.

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  1. zach i calculated it all! On excel i tried to put most big on jeni side, and camikizee and his date may also move over to jeni's side
  2. Calculate the stats zach
  3. Pixieon jeni's side sorry disnt know she was ur daye kay
  4. wasnt I your date pri? 
  5. You missed out darkmuj, pri?
  6. You missed me 
  7. Poor pri lol.
  8. Just wanna make sure you see me
  9. I am posted twice.... And are are dates suppose to be on the same team or opposite??? Cuz my date is on the other team....
  10. Where is the club Of the team that I'm on?
  11. I'm on Jake'splaything's team
  12. You cant join anymore. 
  13. When are we joining?
  14. I'm crashing a side 
  15. Thx for organizing the war 
  16. Priya is making clubs now. 
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