Spring Break Hunt

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by CatLady, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. the last times bit is what i mean, can't get my head around it. Nvm i'll go without :D
  2. Other than being confused on the Tines bit, great post thank you. Xo
  3. If it helps, the plus sign in parenthesis didn't show up on the post. ( 8) ( 11) and such.
  4. Ban this forum. #NoSupportSwag
  5. Yay for update.
  6. Can you help me out
  7. With what?
  8. DIY tattoo drops 20-30 bikinis.

    Not putting in an update for right now, since I just did one.
  9. bikinis ?
  10. I think they should be giftable because it makes it harder for lower stats. Like if I had extra I could gift to my alt or tuts. That would be awesome!
  11. You have a lot of time on your hands
  12. Yes, I do.
  13. Thanks guys
  14. Nice this is very helpful! Thank you
  15. Bump  Thanks so much for this 
  16. Annie
  17. Didnt get any cat in cosplay please.  but we did get on diy tattoo
  18. Thanks for making this Elei/Annie/Shai