Important, read this

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -N_G-TheSlenderman, Oct 28, 2012.

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  1. Sorry my nose is plugged from allergies I can't smell anything 
  2. this guy is invincible
  3. Off-Topic thread, i'm requesting for a lock.
  4. off topic we are talking about superman and batman here  it's important !!
  5. Get back on Topic. I will ask the devs to delete your off topic posts.
  6. slender you are such a noob seriously
  7. Thanks for this compliment :)
  8. So.... At the cost of bumping this thread, I have a question, why is it still stickied?
  9. I don't know. Devs told me it would be unstickied when they judged that the problem would disappear.
  10. shit i missed that day

    i would really love to see their fail attempts at 'trolling'

    so can someone summarise it up for me, i meant what they did, who were the players n such.

  11. Yea agreed even though I couldn't be bother to read it all report them don't stoop down to their level... we'll be as immature as they are if we stoop down to their level... (and I'm normally immature anyway...not bad immature just crazy immature...O.O) :p
  12. Now that this problem was considerably lowered, I think we should do the same about pervs. We have the need to report them whenever we see them. You can also report their clubs. If the ToU is broken or if they encourage dirty roleplay on their club page, it's an offense and you can do something about it by reporting them.
  13. 
  15. Why is this still a sticky?
  16.  *blinks*  support
    And umm.. batman
  17. Yikes...ok[ size=200] [ color=pink]
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