Important, read this

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -N_G-TheSlenderman, Oct 28, 2012.

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  1. KaW went to other apps and spammed them too, they also insulted some of my close friends and got lots of people to quit all together, they threatened, spammed, and put us down for doing absolutely nothing.
  2. please remove this thread. I agreed with ATA that they could use this thread for a certain period of time. that period is over since a while.
  3. Also help the mods!!! Try to stop people from breaking rules! If you see someone doing something you know is wrong please help them and let them know. We can all help clean things up and then have more fun!!
  4. I also play gaw and people on those games are called pervs as well and i have no bad things to say about pimd players
  5. How is long is this thread up for??!?
  6. This is still stickied even after op emailed support to remove all his stickied threads.

    Didn't get a response either.
  7. once you post on the forums, pimd now owns that content. they have the choice whether to discard or keep it.

    op should have asked nicely before he set fire to the bridge he was standing on lol
  8.  "They are probably idiots, don't fall to that level of idiot because they will beat you with their experience." Too funny haha.
  9. I want my life seconds back >:-|
  10. This was written a day before my birthday :3

    Just saying 
  11. ╲╲╲╲╲╭━━━━╮╲╲╲╲╲ ╲╲╲╭╮┃▆┈┈▆┃╭╮╲╲╲ ╲╲╲┃╰┫▽▽▽▽┣╯┃╲╲╲ ╲╲╲╰━┫△△△△┣━╯╲╲╲ ╲╲╲╲╲┃┈┏┓┈┃╲╲╲╲╲ ▔▔▔▔▔╰━╯╰━╯TROLLOLOL

    Support request granted
  12. ~~~~~~~~~~~ <- this is not a group of camels
  13. So irrelevant this is a different gamewhy crying about kaw take it to kawgames gay anyway
  14. Well...its kinda childish that people from kaw did that but its true. Im from kaw too but I had pimd first. Its true. People on kaw are more mature and don't ask for numbers or things on campus chat. Kaw members are all about the game. And pimd is becoming pervy. Just read campus chat.
  15. Ana, I had KaW before PIMD even came out and pervs are and were always an issue there too... It's just that world chat is so fast that we don't see them a lot and they talk on walls or pm or clans.
  16. the lies THE LIES i see this all the time 90% of the time it is pimd players
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