I can't imagine why people would do this, in the end bad things happen. It's our obligations as people to cry with those that cry. My prayers for Boston and it's residents.
I sorta think the terrorists did it Because they let them in Im watching the news now and now there's 10 killed and approx. 100 injured. I HATE YOU TERRORISTS The military will find you and kill you PRAYS FOR BOSTON PLS
So many sick people in this world taking and ruining the life's of others. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who has been effected by this traumatic event
Utterly ridiculous why kill so many innocents my prayers and thoughts with Boston. Players in the area stay safe our thoughts and prayers are with you
People are entitled to there opinions, no worries Ari you won't get farmed, that would be a dumb move. Boston
She sounds 100% uneducated. It was a "terrorist" attack but that doesn't mean it was "Al-Qaeda" Also just because they did something bad, doesn't give you the right to wish death upon someone. That makes you just as bad as a terrorist if you both want people to die. Does any of this justify the bombing? No. Is it even classified as a terrorist attack? No. So shut up. You know nothing except what the news is feeding you. So yes, morrissey. If she posts another ignorant comment, I will farm her.
I dont wish death on them that much i was just pissed off because of the explosion its my opinion stop turning this thread into a farm war
Sending my thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families in my home state. Its a shame what this world is coming to.
I completely agree with Munch. There's also so much more happening that we sheltered people don't hear about. Keep in mind that.
Ari doesn't know how to put her thoughts into words correctly, lets not forget what's really at hand people. Boston is the focus it's in pain we don't know who committed this crime all that I personally know is that they will pay. In the end Karmas a bitch.