Your Chance to get a DV to LCBC

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-TheOriginalRoamingMewbles, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. -WB-Glenn-

    He's an awesome person
    He upgrades once a week no matter how active and spends the rest of his money on the club and his tuts
  2. I vote MissDaisyDoll because she helped so many people in the milking shed and always did vollies and was too kind to be real
  3. I'm not one to post a ton on forums, but I will because I think this person is truly deserving.

    I'd like to nominate MrRoy because I think he's less than 400b away from becoming a bc and he a selfless person. He has always been dependable to help when needed whether it is to war or dv to lower stat members. His loyalty knows no bounds when it comes to his family and club members, as well as being trustworthy. While he may not be the most popular person on pimd, he is a strong silent type who truly deserves this. He has never asked for help and has farmed daily to try to get his goal of becoming a bc, so this would be awesome for him. So, I'd greatly appreciate it if you would consider him in your ballot. 
  4. this is awesome of you hopefully ill one day have the kind of money to do this i have dv'd ppl what i could afford but only so much you can do if you still wanna ug yourself
  5. Lol yeah.. And seriously stop voting for me.... I'm not even 400B away from LCBC.

    If anything.... Give it to a moderator who isn't LCBC yet. They do a lot for us you know...
  6. I nominate llNoVall

    I believe every person has different qualities that make them a good person. Every person has there own way of describing good . So it depends with every person. I also think some people try to be like Jesus because he is the ultimate good person to me. I believe llNovall is actually a bit like Jesus. kind compassionate hard working - earning money to help (DV) smaller people.

    Being kind is defiantly a major quality a good person should have. If a person is not kind that excludes the thought of being a good person. Being helpful is specifies a good person also. If somebody is not willing to help another then how is that kind. I have known llNoVall since he has been 50 kcs - he started to help me when I first started the game and this great quality of his has carried on and has grown overtime.
    he is a very busy person in real life and the hard earned money is all put into helping small members and club owners

    Another quality of being a good person is being very understanding, loving and patient. Without those characteristics a good person does not exist. In order to be kind and helpful to one and another you have to be understanding as well as loving. Which reminds me of llNoVall. He has helped many clubs grow with party finishes help - giving advise - recruiting and so on.

    In conclusion it takes about six good qualities in order to be a good person; Which is to be kind, helpful, caring, understanding, patient and loving. If a person does not have any of these qualities they are defiantly not a good person. llNoVall has all these attributes on this game - he will always carry on being kind hearted - helping many people grow but I believe with this DV - it will be our chance to repay the favor he has been doing all his life.  Thanx for ur time
  7. This is very generous. congrats to whoever gets it.
  8. And if I was going to vote for a mod to get this.......

    I'd vote for MrsN or MrNekkie

    It's obvious that they help players every single day (From before getting mod to currently this day). They work extremely hard to help all of us and are great friends. A lot of people don't appreciate what the mods truly do for us. They get bashed, Farmed, threatened, and trolled because of their Job..... but look at them... they are so strong for dealing with all of that Each and every day. They are regular players on this game just like everyone else... but they Volunteer their time to moderate and help others. They both are extremely patient and loving. They get more than 50 wall posts a day... And answer each one without becoming annoyed. They also encourage those who help others to keep doing it because it's good for the community. If they didn't love helping the community..... They wouldn't have applied to be mod in the first place. They are wonderful friends and I'm lucky to know such strong,Caring, loving, understanding,patient, and hardworking friends such as themselves. I think it's time to show a mod how much they are truly appreciated for all the things they have done and do for us.

    Keep in consideration.... That they are players just like everyone else in the community... And those who we have mentioned.
  9. This is very nice of you James...

    Epi is active in the community and around forums, she does help new players and will sacrifice her own money and chance to bc to help someone else out. She's hard working and she's been here forever she's freaking ancient and still not bc  she's kind and will take the time to educate people, especially on the importance of BL hitting 

    Doc has also been around forever and is ancient, doc has helped many people under cover. He helps new members grow and teaches them how to play. He's not as well known as most...and he tends to keep to himself but he's always willing to lend a helping hand and is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet.

    Jen is active in the community and gives scavenger items away selflessly to noobs and teaches people how to play the game, she doesn't just silence people and do mod duties she genuinely cares about people and will go out of her way to help someone who needs it.

    Those are my nominations based on 400b away from bc
  10. MrsN isnt going to lcbc lol she dosent want to. Plus already has a lcbc acc go with Nekkie then
  11. -Pmw-Kymberlypimd she is a were hard working n strong play helping out clubs n wars when she is invoked in them she is more than deserving of being BC already
  12. I nominate my friend beast "Entity_of_the_beast" he was my old pup and he gave me so many dv's. I have ss proof that he had 300b one day and the next day he only have 74 because he gave all his active tuts dv's. he spoils his tuts so that they don't have to work

    I would also like to nominate my current pup duke. When I reset by accident he gave me a huge dv to help get me started on these stats again. He truly is amazing and since I wa his first real tut he treats me so well. He has 200b or more out and he doesn't spend a dime on upgrading. He only helps others with dv's and such

    Thank you James ?
  13. Also plaza hire girlsaddme hes super active and started last week
  14. I know tweak.... She would rather help others grow instead of herself LCBCing. Shows how unselfish she is and how nice she is.
  15. She actively. Helps smaller players at the sacriface of her own upgrades n really deserves it plz pick her
  16. Plz hire girlsaddme he's super active and started last week
  17. Bridget... Please stop this isn't a thread to advertise you wanting a tut sold. :)
  18. Well that and she enjoys warring lol
  19. Tbh most who deserve it won't take it lol

    There is something very rewarding about getting to bc on your own.
  20. true