[The Heart Locker]

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *MASiFFECT (01), Oct 28, 2011.

  1. WebJunk likes cookies so don't delete them!
  2. Yay cookies  
  3. And also recycle bins?

    Jockstraps is missing.
  4. Whoa kiddies calm down

    1. Roxey is not my alt. I'm a guy, she's a chick. Kinda stops the alt thing working
    2. I do not need to make a thread to embarrass your club I am managing that perfectly already
    3. Please do keep me out of any petty arguments you have with other people and start holding yourselves with some level of decency and dignity

    Now I am done on this thread, I have said my piece. Please keep me out of your childish tough guy ramblings. Thank you good day
  5. I figured out she wasn't an alt already so you're just wasting your breath.
    "Tough guy?"
    What are you talking about?
    I'm defending the well being of the thread.
    So you can take your post and carry it to safety little EGL!
    Fly away!
  6. Look, I'm fighting you idiots quite happily over an issue one of the children you have in there started. I'm not whining I'm not running for help. I'm doing my thing.

    All I have asked is that you keep my name out of your petty arguments on this thread. Do it and do it with sone decency before we add lack of intelligence to the list of fails from your club

    Now subject closed. Go about the business this thread was intended for. Good day